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I clenched my hands into fists, one tightening around the gun, once more grateful there was such a thing as a safety button. Taking a deep breath, I jumped. I remember hitting my face once my legs had failed to keep up with the rest of my body, I had slipped. My face just bashed right into the roof of the shed, and I slipped from the shed onto the ground. I can't even explain how much that hurt, probably like your face scraping on a dirt road when you trip. I was on the wet grass and mud, gasping for the breath that was knocked out of me. It hurt, stung, I cried out, unable to be heard by anyone but inside my head. I just wanted my mom, to be home watching our late shows together eating our Chinese takeout. I wished for those moments to just happen right now. But that ended the moment I heard a ring.

Unknown: Now how did my girl get outside?

That message got my blood pumping, I was freaking out as my head just turned to look up slightly to see my bedroom window. He was looking out it, the moment I saw him turn around quickly to head outside I screamed at every nerve in my body to run. I was so scared, scared he would find me, scared he would take me, scared I would never see my mom again. 

So I got up, my body burning for me to stay on the ground and rest but I would not let him get me, the human body can do amazing things when fighting to survive. I ran, ran as fast as I could, my lungs could barely get any air, they stung, my ribs hurt and my throat burned. My eyes could barely see from the tears that spilled, there even seemed to be a little bit of blood, I think I had a cut on my forehead. I was tired, so tired of running. I didn't want to look back, I didn't want to look back at all. But I did. 

There he was, busting through my front screen door. Looking for me, Oh my - he saw me! He ran, he was so fast, so much faster than I wanted him to be. I didn't care anymore about how fast he was though, seeing him made my body jump. I felt a rush of adrenaline through my body, I still hurt like I ran into a brick wall at full speed, but it was all dull now. I was running for my life and I didn't care how much I was hurting. I focused on running and not slipping, I never looked back anymore, it would only make me falter from my steps. 

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