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 I wanted to get to the highway as fast as I could, only a few minutes from the highway and to the right was the town. I'm grateful to my mother for not moving so far out. I could see it, I could see the highway. My tears came out with joy but I knew it wasn't over, I still had to make it to town. My body grew tired, and my running became a little sloppy. I could feel the burning sensation of all my muscles just screaming me to stop what I was doing and to rest. But I couldn't, I couldn't stop. I knew if I stopped I would have the worst possible things happen to me. That's what I told myself, and that's what I said to keep going.

I knew he was still there, I heard him, he sometimes laughed out as if this was a game of chase, a game of tag. I hated it, I hated how he thought this was funny. What kind of sick person would think anything like that? He was running out of breath, I heard him breathing heavy. Oh, thank you mom, for getting me into sports! I laughed in my head as if saying haha jokes on you! 

I finally hit the road... I was on the road! I've never been so happy to feel gravel under my feet, although my feet felt a stinging sensation of tiny rocks digging into them. I hoped I wouldn't get hit as I could see an opening, a small one, I could get hit. I did it, I wasn't going to stop, not when he could be right behind me. I ran straight through the gap between cars, I screamed though. I was scared, I made so many risks today but this made me scared the most. I kept running, I was definitely not going to stop even if he wasn't right behind me. I looked back though, I said I wouldn't but I did.

I couldn't see him anymore, I let out a wail which was all just sounds of breath escaping my body.  Blood was starting to dry on my face, despite rain still pouring down. My throat burned, I screamed again, even if nobody could hear me, I could, I felt so good. The pain I felt, the fear coursing through my body and the feeling of relief that it was over, that he was gone. I didn't let it take over me though, I didn't trust it just yet, so I kept running. The fact that I might survive helped me keep going. From then on all I remember was running into the gas station, with bloodied feet, a bloodied face, and passing out. And now I'm here, waking up in the small clinic we had, police and nurses crowding me.

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