{Don't Starve} Wilson x Reader [Feigning Ignorance]

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It had been a few days since the incident but not a second goes by that you forget his fearful face. How can he blame you? It wasn't your fault. You didn't want this.

You didn't want this but here I am.

You shudder in disgust whenever her voice rang in your head. It was her fault. You're suffering for her enjoyment.

All she did was laugh it off. She cared not for your feelings or his. All she cared about was her freedom. It angered you so much. Trying to calm yourself you spoke up to her, "Why did you have to do that?" You could hear her chuckle, "Whatever do you mean, y/n." You ground your teeth, "What you did to Wilson. Was it really necessary?" She paused for a moment, "I'm afraid so, yes. Wilson and I have known each other for quite some time. I had to get it through that thick head of his that he has no choice but to do as I say." This still upset you, "Thick head? Really? He's been nothing but a sweetheart towards me y'know." You could feel her anger and impatience writhe inside of you, "There are many things that you don't know about dear." You sat in silence for a while. What could she possibly be talking about? There's no way that there could be something else to your adorable Wilson.


After a bit of thinking, you started to feel your limbs move on their own. You had no one else to blame but, "Charlie! What are you doing?" She sighed, "We are going to find him. Whether he wants to be found or not." You felt nothing but fear at that moment. Who knows what she could try next. "Relax, I won't hurt him unless I have to."  "Unless you have to, huh..." You both continue on in silence. It was an awkward long, long walk. After about an hour you could see the walls of your old base on the horizon. You could feel the happiness start to well up inside of you but you decided to keep it in check. As you got closer you could hear the sound of exasperated grunts and sighs from over the wall. Slowly, you could feel Charlie's grip on you loosen to the point where you had control. She just left you at the gate. To deal with this. On your own.

Slowly, you raised your hand to the wall, about to knock. Right before your hand collided with the wall a portion of it swung open almost as if it were a door. A small silhouette emerged from the clouds of smoke, coughing and wheezing. You could tell almost immediately who that was, "Wilson?" The figure quickly grew in size as it finished coughing, "Wh-whos there?!" You couldn't help but run towards him with a wide smile on your face, "Wilson! It's me! It's y/-" 

Your voice was cut off by a sharp feeling of pain. You gently looked down to the source of the pain. It seemed that a small crude dagger had been plunged into the center of your torso. Confused, you looked up to see a raven haired male, still holding the dagger, panting and not making eye contact. He slowly raised his head, presumably to see who or what it was that he stabbed. Once his dark chocolate eyes mixed with yours his hands swiftly left the area of the blade. He slowly backed up, emotions of panic, surprise, concern and worry dance across his features right before he books it back into the base. It couldn't have been long though, it seemed like forever, you could finally feel your consciousness slipping away. You felt confused, shouldn't you have melted together by now? Right before your eyes closed, you heard a voice,

"Please, hang on. I'll try to fix this. Don't leave. You'll come back."

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey guys I'm so damn sorry. This chapter has been LONG overdue and I know some of you will be mad and it's justifiable. I really mean it this time when I say I'll try and update this as often as possible. Thank you all so much for reading this story and getting it ranked 5th in the dontstarve tag. I think that's just nuts. I never thought this story would come this far but, thanks to people like you, it did. I know this is another sad chapter but I PROMISE the next one will be happier, okay? Again thank all of you for reading <3

P.S. Sorry this chapter is short I honestly forgot where I was going with the story lol 

{Don't Starve} Wilson x reader [Dark Hours Before Light]Where stories live. Discover now