Phase 7

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"I am so sorry!" I said.

"I'll go grab some towels," Peter said before he left. 

"Yeah you do that," the man replied without without breaking eye contact with me.  

"Sorry again. At least it's just water so it won't stain." I joked. 

"Mhmm What's your name doll?" He said with a semi creepy smile.

"(Y/n)." I shifted uncomfortably. "And you are...?"

"Well, (Y/n), My name is Derrick and I'm afraid we have a bit of an issue. You see, this shirt that I'm wearing is a limited edition Supreme shirt that costs more than you'll ever make in a life time. And you went and so carelessly spilled your drink on me. You're going to have to make it up to me." His expression changed from irritated to forgiving. 

"But, of course... I'm sure we could figure something out." Derrick brushed my hair behind my ear.

"Um... Like what?" 

I need Peter to come back. Or I need to catch Lucy's eye. 

Or anyone's eye.

"I think you have in idea. I know I have a few things in mind." He put his hand on my waist.

Stall. I'll stall until Peter comes back.

"I really do not have any clue as to what you mean." I pushed his hand away.

"Well, we could go back to my place. Put on some music. Maybe, have a few drinks and some laughs. Then... We'll see where the night takes us. " Derrick said. He then placed both of his hands at the base of my shirt. 

"But I'm sure it won't be a night you'll ever forget."

Once again I pushed him off of me but he held on so tightly. 

"I don't know if I feel comfortable going to your house. I just met you and I have no idea where that is. Besides, I promised my mom I'd stay here." I responded.

"Of course. I understand." Derrick smiled. "We don't need to leave to have a good time. There are some bedrooms upstairs that are not being used." 

He played with the hem of my shirt.  I pushed away once again.

"Could you please let me go? I'm not comfortable with this." I stated.

Derrick violently pressed his lips onto mine. I tried to push him off with all of my strength but his grasp was too strong. His hands trailed up my shirt.

Finally I pushed him off of me. 

"What's the matter sweetheart? Was that too hot for you?" Derrick asked before kissing me again.

I screamed as I shoved him. He tried to grab me so punched him in the nose. 

"Ah shit! I think you broke my nose!"He held his nose.

"Good! Maybe you'll think twice before forcing yourself upon someone who doesn't want you to!" I screamed at him. By now everyone was staring at us. 

"You're going to pay for that!" Derrick lunged at me with a punch. I dodged it.

He swung again but this time I grabbed his fist. I twisted his arm behind his back and pushed him to the ground. 

He struggled. 

Lucy came running over. 

"Whoa! Major party foul!" She said. 

"He wouldn't let me go and continued to make advances on me even after I told him no.  Then he attacked me. I was just-" I explained.

"(Y/n), I wasn't talking to you. Derrick, you were not invited. Not after what you did at the last party!" Lucy stated, "Get out of my house now!"

"But I-" Derrick started to say.

"10 seconds or I call the cops." Lucy replied. I let him go and he ran for the door but Lucy stopped him. She punched him in the jaw.

"That's for hurting my friend. Have fun explaining to your parents why you have a broken nose and jaw."

Derrick ran out the front door yelling in pain. 

"(Y/n) are you okay?!"

"Maybe a few bruises but I'll be fine. Thank you." I responded. 

"Of course." A loud shatter erupted from the other side of the house.

 Lucy rolled her eyes. "I have to go check that out, but I'll talk to you later."

"I'm probably going to go home, if that's alright." 

"Text me when you get home, okay?"I nodded. 

"Sorry I took so long. I had an issue finding towels." Peter said as he reappeared by my side, "What'd I miss."

"Let's leave. I'll tell you on the way. " I mumbled. Peter placed the towels on a near by table. 

We started to walk home and I told him everything that happened. 

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