Phase 24

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I stood on top of the Witch's Brew, waiting for Peter. The clock on my phone said 6:45. 15 minutes before Peter was supposed to be here. The city below was bustling with life. 

Suddenly the sound of crunching metal, screeching tires, and screams filled the air. I looked towards the source of the noise. A couple blocks away three cars had crashed into each other. 

I jumped down into the alley and onto a red flower I grew. It lowered me to the ground and I ran to the collision.

"Look! It's The Florist!" someone shouted. 

There was a blue car, a white car, and a black car involved with the crash . The engine of the white car had caught fire. The black car had flipped over. The blue car, however was the most crushed and damaged.

I ran to look inside the white car. I grew two flower helpers. The red flower flung open the driver's door and pulled out a woman. The blue flower opened the passenger side door and pulled out a man. Both of them were unconscious. I heard a child crying. I looked into the back seat of the car and saw a baby crying.

The engine's fire doubled as I opened the door. Smoke filled the car. I reached in grabbed the baby. 

A woman ran up to me and tried to take the baby. 

"I'm a doctor. I can help." She said.

I grew another flower helper and set the baby inside the green petals.

"The parents are right there." I pointed to the blue and red flowers

The blue, red, and green flower stood a safe distance away, with each of their survivors.

Next I ran to the black car. There was no one in it. 

"I'm fine!" A girl shouted. I nodded.

Finally I ran to the blue car. I grew more flower helpers. This time a white, a black, and a purple one. 

The blue car had 5 passengers. Blood ran down the face of the two in the front seat. The passenger had a large cut down the side of his neck. Blood was gushing out of the cut. I grew leaves around his neck to apply pressure to the wound. The purple flower pulled him out of the car.

The black flower started to pull the driver out but he regained consciousness at the sudden movement. He screamed. 

"Sir, calm down. You were just in an accident." I said, "Let the flower help you while I attend to the rest of the people in your car."

The man was screaming things but he wasn't resisting help, so I wasn't listening. 

There were three children in the back seat. 

"Help! I can't move my arm!" The one behind the passenger's seat said.

"I'm going to get you out, okay?" I said.

I looked at the boy in the middle. There was glass from the windshield in his shoulder and stomach. He had passed out.

"What's your name?" I asked the boy who couldn't move his arm.

"Alex. Alex Hunder." he said.

"Okay, Alex. do you think you'll be able to walk?"

He nodded.

"Last question. The two men in the front seat. Are they your parents?"


"Okay, the one that was sitting in the seat in front of you, was hurt really bad. He's unconscious. He's being taken care of but don't touch him. The driver is hurt but he's awake. When I pull you out, I want you to find the flowers and go stand beside them. That's where your dads will be. Do you understand?"

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