Phase 36

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Peter's POV


We're not JUST friends?!?!?

And she Kissed me!

Well on the cheek but still.

She kissed me!

Oh man... I've fallen for her way too hard.

I dont even know her name!

I tried to push everything aside so I could focus on school today.

It didnt work as well as I'd hoped. The only thing I could focus on was something that happened during lunch.

During lunch today, I accidentally bumped y/n and she winced.

She grabbed her stomach and when I asked her what was wrong... she said it was nothing.

Now I've had my fair share of beat downs by criminals, so I think by now I can tell when someone is getting hurt and hiding it.

I... I think y/n might've gotten into a fight.

I kept asking her about it for the rest of the day but she always brushed it off like it was nothing.

I feel terrible. Like... like maybe there was something that I could have done to stop it.

The guilt was starting to eat away at me.

All I could think about was Poppy and y/n. 

The next couple of days I sort of stalked y/n.

Not in a creepy way.

More like I want to make sure you're not getting harassed or anything kind of way.

Nothing ever happened.

I still dont believe that she's okay.

The school week was over and Thank God because I could not focus with all this Poppy and y/n stuff happening.

I tried to contact Poppy multiple times but she couldnt meet up or fight crime because Mr. Stark felt it was best for her to rest a bit.

I decided to check on y/n periodically throughout the day in between my spiderman duties.

Sometime in the late afternoon I was chasing a robbery through Y/n's neighborhood.

He jumped from the building I was on to the next.

I realized it was y/n's appartment building.

He descended the fire escape and stopped on the same floor as y/n's appartment. I noticed a nearby window half opened.

My heart stopped. I had to protect my friend.

Hey! Author here!

Sorry for the short chapter but I couldnt leave everything that happened in the last chapter alone.
However, something big(ish? Yall can decide how big it really is) happens in the next chapter and that actually takes place the day before this chapter.

I apologize for the timeline being a little messy.

Hopefully I'll have the next chapter and the conclusion to this chapter (which is definitely big) out very soon.

What do you guys think about the story so far? I'd love to hear your opinions.

I know this authors note is getting a little long but I just want to say

I really appreciate all the support yall have given me. I really appreciate all your comments and I do read each and every single one of them. Thank you all so much :)

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