Phase 17

969 37 2

(Y/n)'s point of view

I stood between a mugger and a man in a dark alley way just after midnight.

"Walk away. This is none of your concern," the mugger said.

"I think this is very much my concern. Drop the gun now and I'll only break one of your arms," I said.

"Leave now and I might think about not shooting you," he replied.

This guy must not know who I am. I snickered.

"I don't think you want to add attempted murder to your records. You can walk away from this. I'll even give you a 5 minute headstart from the cops."

Without breaking eye contact with the mugger I asked "Hey, what's your name?" To the man the mugger was trying to rob.

"Hec-Hector." He said as he visibly shook.

"Why don't you get where you're going, Hector. You're not needed here." I told him.

"Move and I shoot you." The mugger stated with breaking eye contact.

"Hector, you'll be fine. He's bluffing." I said.

Hector stood for a moment and darted away. The second he moved I threw up a wall of vines to protect him.

A loud bang erupted but the bullet never met a target.

It stopped mid air. It was tangled in a web that lead to the roof of the building to my left.

I glanced up at the origin of the web.

"Nice catch, Spidey," I called to him.

"Thanks." He said. He jumped from the roof and landed next to me.

The mugger shot all the bullets in his gun.

Between Spidey's webs and my flowers, those bullets didn't make it anywhere close to their intended target.

"I'll handle clean up. You go." I told Spidey.

Before he could protest, I grew a Venus Flytrap that engulfed the mugger. He was still alive but he wouldn't be able to leave until the police showed up to take him away.

"I actually wanted to talk to you." Spidey said.

"About what?" I turned to face him and asked.

"Well, what are your plans with all this?" He asked.

"With what?" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as I dialed the police.

"With being The Florist. Where do you see this going?" He asked.

"Yeah, I got a mugger turned attempted murderer in the alley between 8th and 9th street. He's in a Venus Flytrap," I told the police on my phone. The phone I used to call in criminals changed my voice. It also wasn't my personal phone.

I hung up and turned to Spidey.

"Roof now," I said. A Poppy flower sprung up from under my feet and lifted me all the way to the roof. Spiderman joined me not long after.

"Look, I started doing this to help people. I wasn't planning on being a big deal or anything. I wasn't planning on getting all this attention from the media. So why do you ask?"

"I wanted to give an invitation to help the Avengers." He said.

I laughed. "That group of stuck up media pleasers? No thanks."

"We're not stuck up or media pleasers. We help the community."

"Okay. Whatever you say Spidey."

I heard the sirens in the distance and soon after a police car showed up to take the mugger away. I retracted my plant and let the mugger go. He was escorted into the car by the officer.

"Just... think about it? We really could use your help." Spidey pleaded.

"I have to go," I said. I started to head towards the edge of the roof when a web grabbed my right wrist.

"Wait!" Spidey yelled. I looked at the webs on my wrist and back to him.

I grew a bracelet of flowers on my wrist to peel back the webs. Afterwards, I wiggled my hand free. All of this occurred in the blink of an eye.

"What?" I asked.

"We're having a meeting next Thursday at 9pm. It's at the tower. You can stay in your suit. You don't need to reveal your identity. And you can leave when ever you want. Just... stop by?"Spiderman responded.

"I'll see you around Spidey." I said before walking off the edge of the roof. I fell a little bit then a giant poppy flower caught me and slowly placed me on the ground. I looked back at the roof.

A worried Spiderman stood at the ledge. I laughed to myself at how protective he was of everyone.

I waved to him and he waved back. We then parted our separate ways.

Once no one was looking, I pushed a petal on my ring and changed back into my regular clothes.

I went home and called my mom. I told her about helping the Avengers.

Our plan was going pretty well.

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