Phase 29

760 33 3

Peter Parker's Point of View

"Poppy!" I knelt beside her. She was unconscious and bleeding out. 

A bullet had pierced through her abdomen and out the other side of her body. I applied pressure to the wound. 

Vines shielded us from the bullets that rained down upon us. 

I was in no position to play superhero right now and fight all these men. 

The girl I was in love with was dying right in front of me.

"Karen, call Mr. Stark," I said.

"Calling Mr. Stark..." she replied.

"Hey kid," Mr. Stark said when he answered. 

"Mr. Stark! I need your help!" I half shouted.

"I'm on my way. What do you need?" He asked.

"Poppy was shot. She's bleeding out and... She's dying." I started to break down into tears, " It's all my fault Mr. Stark."

"What?! Are you okay?" He asked with immense worry. 

"We're in-inside... a-a dome of vines... and we're being... shot at. I'm... physically fine, but-but Poppy's dying" I said through tears. 

"Stay there. I'm coming to help." Mr. Stark said before hanging up.

This was all my fault. I made the noise. I alerted them to our location.

Poppy was shot because of me. 

The bullets paused briefly. Then they started again but this time with screams and metallic ricocheting sounds. 

Everything went silent. 

"Alright, kid, Stand back. I'm going to blast these vines and get you out of here." I heard a muffled Mr. Stark say. 

Poppy and I were already in the center of the dome.  

I heard Mr. Stark use his Iron man suit powers on the vines. Nothing happened.

"It's not working!" I shouted. I turned to look at Poppy.

"Poppy, I need you to wake up," I whispered to her, "Poppy we need you to take down these vines." I shook her gently. "Poppy! Please don't die on me. Please wake up."

I squeezed her left hand. 

"Poppy, I can't lose you, please." I sobbed. 

Suddenly the vines started to retract. Mr. Stark was about to throw a large rock onto the vine dome. 

In one swift motion, faster than I have ever moved before in my life, I picked up Poppy Bridal style. 

"Give her here Peter," Mr. Stark said. He took Poppy in his arms. 

"I'm taking her to the tower. She'll get help there." He said.

I was already web slinging to the tower. I wanted to be there with Poppy. 

I  still could not stop thinking about how this is all my fault. 

How could I do this to her? I loved her and I might have just killed her. 

This is all my fault. 

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