Devil On Both Shoulders

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I paced around my room frantically, my sister Renee had been missing for two days now. The police think she's been kidnapped, they've not said it but I could tell that they wanted to.

"Max sit down." My brother demanded seriously.

"But she's-"

"Sit. Down." Spencer growled through gritted teeth, I glared at him and proceeded to freak out.

"I'm going to look for her." I declared, grabbing my jacket and wallet.

"You're fucking around, aren't you? Max you can't be serious it's almost midnight."

"Well I am. If anyone asks where I am tell them the truth. Don't come looking for me, don't come after me. I'm going to leave and you're going to stay. Is that clear?" I told him, flinging open the window before he had a chance to respond.

Outside the window the roof was sloped so I could slide down that and land safely in the the front garden.

I am a girl but when I was born my mother cursed me with a boy's name - Max. It's not even short for Maxine or anything. Just Max, but Spencer always calls me Maxi, and I call him Spencer.

I tried calling Renee a billion times but obviously she never replied. When she went missing the police only found her coat which held a supermarket receipt for a pack of pens.

The supermarket.

Our local supermarket was an open-24-hours one, and I hoped that my mum's friend Pat is stuck with the night shift. Maybe she has some answers.

"Pat!" I yelled, racing into the store.

"Max?" She asked, lifting her head up from where she appeared to be sleeping.

"My sister. She's gone missing, did you see her come into this store and buy pens two days ago?" I questioned between pants.

"Yes, in fact, I did. She was with a man. Tall, black hair, she looked a bit panicked." Pat informed me.

"Do you know where she went?"

"Yes down that road there then she took a left with the man." She nodded, pointing to an empty road. Pat must've watched where Renee went as she said she had looked panicked and wanted to make sure she was safe. The police kept the disappearance confidential, the deadline was three days. If she were missing for longer then three days they spread the word to see if anyone had seen her.

"Thank you. Thank you so much." I smiled gratefully, tears brimming my eyes. I took off again, running across the roads Pat pointed to. When I turned left there was a shiny black car, the insides were lit up and I could see the shadow of a male and a female figure.

I ducked in between two bushes so I wasn't spotted by them. It could be my sister but then again it might not have been, when the door opened my heart pounded.

The man came out, he pretty much met Pat' s brief description: tall with black hair, although it might have just been the illusion of the night.

The man strode round the other side of the car and opened the second door. Out stepped my sister, huddled up and terrified.

Sister instincts clicked inside of me, I jumped up from the bushes. Renee sees me first, her eyes widened and she shook her head.

"Go, please." She mouthed, tears streaming down her frightened face. I shook my head right back at her. I was determined to rescue my little sister, she was only fourteen.

The male figure noticed me, my adrenaline was pumping so I took this opportunity to swagger over to him like I owned the world.

"Let my sister go." I told him bluntly once I reached him, folding my arms. I was absolutely petrified, but he wasn't to know that.

"What power do you have over me?" His lips turned into a smirk, his tanned face leaned towards mine.

"I'm obviously smarter than you. Because a man who kidnaps teenage girls can't possibly be right in the head. As for strength, well we'll see about that now, won't we?" I dared to challenge this intimidating male. I didn't care what lengths I had to go to, I was to protect my sister if it meant my life. That's what I was going to say in my heroic interview and have it printed on a t-shirt or something.

"Aw, if you want me to buy your cookies you could've just asked." He chuckled. "What's your name buttercup?"

My fist made contact with his face, knocking him to the ground but also leaving a pain in my fist where it hit his thick jaw line. Now that the man was out of the way, on the floor, I could see that Renee was gone, so I turned around and began to run.

"Not so fast."

Oh come on.


I was now in his house, which was ugly.

"Your house is ugly." I huffed to to myself sitting on the stairs. I had already proved I could knock him down although I was still afraid of him. I couldn't say I overpowered him though, considering I was the one locked in his house.

"Get used to it." He must've had super hearing because I wasn't planning on him hearing that.

"I'm not staying here."

"Yes you are."

"No, I am not. Let me go or I'll punch you in the face again." I threatened him boredly. All the emotion and enthusiasm had been sucked out of me, I am too tired for that stuff now.

"Punch me in the fa-."

"What's your name?" I cut him off. If he was going to hold me captive I was going to be the worst prisoner ever so he'll actually want to let me go. That was plan A, anyway.

Sit tight, Maxi, there are 25 other letters in the alphabet, I thought to myself, giving myself a sarcastic nudge on the back to supply myself with some encouragement.

"Calum." He glared at me frostily. I felt the goose bumps prickling across my pale skin.

"I'm tired." I whined, wandering into what seemed like the living room. My brain had turned to putty due to the recent whirl of confusing events, not to mention that I hadn't slept a wink in two days.

"The bedroom is upstairs?" Calum told me as if I were dumb.

"I'm sleeping on the couch." I answered sternly, beginning to lie down on the leather furniture.

Devil On Both Shoulders [Calum Hood]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin