Chapter 11

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I ran out of the store as fast as I could, I felt sick.

"Max!" Some screamed, the voice was too masculine to be Renee, and Luke's head sticking out of a car window kind of gave it away.

I didn't waste any time deciphering what he was doing, or how he knew I was here, I leapt towards him, got in the back and slammed the door so hard the window cracked slightly.

"Sorry," I apologized pathetically.

"Don't worry, it's not mine." Luke shrugged.

"You don't have your own car?"

"I barely have my own house," he spat, making a sharp turn and parking up at his 'house'.

Luke got out of the car, and I went to follow, but he told me to stay inside.

Seconds later, he returned with a huge yellow jug and placed it next to me.

"What are we doing?" I asked.

He didn't respond for a few moments, but sooner or later, his face broke out in a massive grin, and he said. "Max, do you know the best thing about being a criminal?"

I didn't say anything.

"Destroying the evidence."

Luke had pulled up in a vast, green field. He poured gasoline all over the vehicle and once we were a good distance away from it, he threw a match onto it.

We simply watched the inferno, the heat from the fire glazing our faces a warm orange.

I dug my hands into the pockets of my jacket, "Why did you do that?" I asked emotionlessly.

"'Cos it's fun." He answered.

"Okay, so when the FBI come and ask why you set a car on fire, I'll tell them you did it ' 'Cos it's fun' "

"I doubt the FBI would come all the way over from America just to ask why I set a car on fire." He said.

"MI6 then, whatever roasts your wheels."

"That wasn't funny."

"Yes it was."

"I'm very tempted to set you on fire right now, but I know Calum wouldn't like that." Luke said, flicking his lighter on and off.

"Calum doesn't care," I spat.

"Oh really? Why are you so sure?" He asked, captivated by the flames his lighter was producing, and completely ignoring the bonfire in front of him.

I didn't say anything.

"You're not very smart - are you?" Luke said.

"What makes you say that?" I mumbled, I wasn't going to bother snapping back with a witty insult, I wanted to know why I 'wasn't very smart'.

"A criminal released you, so you decide to stay with another criminal," He answered, "I might not have the same status in crime as Calum, but that's because I can control my insanity, he can't."

"So . . . you've accepted that your insane; I don't think you are." I told him.

"We're all insane,"

"Just another way of saying no one is," I muttered, "we should get going before someone sees us."

"You're right." He agreed.

"Wait, what about Ashton?" I suddenly remembered the person that Luke decided to shoot.

"Michael's taking care of him," he said as we slowly walked away from the blaze.


When we got back, Ashton was all bandaged up and Michael wasn't impressed.

"You're fucking paying me." He snapped.

"No, Michael, no I'm not." Luke said with a grin of exasperation on his face.

"Shut up, both of you." I sighed. "Right, I'm bored. Michael, where you off to next?"

"I was planning on going to a pub just down the road. Why?"

"I'm coming with you."

Michael let out a breathy laugh, "No you aren't."

I groaned, "oh, enough with this sexism! You guys are awful."

"We just want you safe." Luke decided to get involved.

"Come on, Michael needs someone to protect him."

"Max, this neighbourhood is bad, half of the countries worst criminals live here." said Luke, again.

"I'm sure that's not true."

Luke sighed, then looked at Michael. It was one of those stares your mother gives your father, to say 'should we let her go?'.

"Alright," Michael huffed, stuffing his hands in his jean pockets. "Lets go."

I grinned, "Sweet."

Devil On Both Shoulders [Calum Hood]Where stories live. Discover now