Chapter 13

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Calum was here. I stared at him just to make sure that it was, infact, him. Bad move. His dark eyes locked with mine, and I turned away before I could see whatever he did next.

"Michael?" I called out for the white haired boy, but he was nowhere. "Michael!"

I began searching for him, desperately knocking over chairs to clear my path. It probably brought a lot of attention, but I needed to find him.

I crashed into someone, and my stomach dropped. I looked up to see a head of ragged white hair and let a wave of relief crash over my entirety.

"Max, Max. What's wrong?" Michael asked, searching my features.

"We need to go." I said. "Now."

I wasn't frightened of Calum hurting me, because we both knew that he couldn't. I was petrified, that if he did catch me, what he would say.

"Yeah, okay. Go wait in the car, I'll be out in a sec." He frowned, raking the room for the source of my distress. He placed his hand between my shoulder blades and gently shoved me towards the direction of the door.

I ran, straight out of the door and slamming it shut, only to be greeted by Calum, leaning against the door of 'Michael's' car (I didn't believe it was his, but didn't push too far into it).

I eyed him warily, he smirked back at me, folding his arms.

"I missed you." He announced, staring down at the floor.

"It's only been a day," I countered.

"I thought you might've been here." He said, ignoring my previous statement.

"What do you mean." I asked, still treading cautiously.

"Michael always comes here on a Saturday.  I figured you would've wanted to come along," Calum explained. "Also, the police are onto you. They know your in this town and if they find you, you'll be going straight back to your parents."

I didn't know whether that was a good thing for me or a bad thing. But one thing I knew was that Luke, Michael and Ashton actually cared about me. And I couldn't imagine my parents sitting in the kitchen, worrying about me, not after what Spencer would've told them.

Calum started talking again, "I covered up your tracks, emailed security footage of you and me in a grocery store in Scotland, claiming to be the shop owner. The police think you're up there now, so they wont be around here for a while."

I didn't believe Calum. If he did email footage to the police, they would've tracked his IP address and even then, they would've alerted the police in Scotland to interview the store owner, who would've had no idea what they were talking about.

"Bullshit, you must think I'm stupid." I spat, and proceeded to tell him all the flaws in his plan.

"The search for you is important because your under 18-" Calum began.

"I am 18."

"Yeah, that still counts. So, because you're 18 there's a private team of highly trained investigators looking for you. They'll go to Scotland and interview the store owner." Calum said.

"The store owner that'll have no idea what's going on." I muttered.

"No, the store owner who owes me a favour, so is going to pretend he saw you catching a boat to Ireland." He corrected me.

"Alright," I mumbled. "Thanks."

"Max! Why aren't you in the-" Michael jogged out of the pub, stopping as soon as he layed eyes on Calum. "Why are you here?" He asked, crossing his arms.

Calum had the audacity to smirk, raising his eyebrows "I just thought I'd warn Max-"

Michael interrupted, "You fucking touch her and I'll cut your balls off."

"Woah! Tiger, calm down. Try and pick a fight with her and you'll fucking know about it." Calum mumbled the last sentence.

"Michael, we're out of here. Come on." I ordered, walking towards the car, Calum automatically shifted out of the way. "Thanks, again." I said as I opened the car door and got in, Michael going round the other side and sliding into the car.

Starting the vehicle up, we drove away from Calum.

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