Chapter 7

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Max's P.O.V

I was there. Right outside my actual house.

I'd taken a taxi all the way back here, and I was here.

It may only have been a few days, but I wasn't sure if I was going to see this place ever again, or my family.

I knocked on the door, and seconds later the door creaked open, revealing a pale faced, sleep-deprived Spencer.

"Maxi?" He choked, his eyes widening. "Max, Max, Max. Oh my God, you're okay!" Spencer engulfed me into a hug, burying his head into my shoulder.

"Hi." I smiled once he released me.

"Max I swear...don't ever go missing like that, where the fuck where you?" Spencer was doing what a parent would do if their child went missing. First he was expressing gratitude that I was okay and back home and then he got pissed off.

"Did Renee say anything about it?" I asked.

"She said she just got lost while going over to a friend's house, stayed in an inn for a couple of nights. I suppose you got lost too, trying to find her, yeah?" He said.

I was thinking about what I was going to reply when an idea hit me, and my conscience wasn't pleased with that idea.

Max, don't.

Don't you fucking dare.

Max no.


I'm begging you

"Yeah." I replied simply.

I wasn't proud of what I said, in fact, I was disgusted.

I had let him get away with it - I had let him get away with everything.

"Oh, you haven't heard of Google Maps?" Spencer retorted.

"Please it was really frightening I don't want to talk about it." I told the truth. For once.

"Whatever." He mumbled. "Wanna watch some T.V? Mum and Dad aren't home yet, they've gone shopping with everyone so it's just me."

"Okay." I responded.

We both walked into the living room, where the familiar smell of Pumpkin Spice was carried around the room. I remembered, it was Autumn and Mum was obsessed with Pumpkin Spice.

Spencer and I sat on the couch, he used to the remote to switch the television.

"18 year old girl - Max Lawrence was last seen by a human witness running out of a grocery store. Nobody has seen her since.

Pat Helen, a woman who was working in the store that night said how she was 'looking for her missing sister' she also added how 'she'd never seen so much fear, in a young girl's eyes.'

However, a security camera outside a house in Essex displays, supposedly, the girl punching a man, and then the man dragging her into a house.

We've identified this character as Calum Hood, a man responsible for many charges of murder and assault. Police have raided the house, but found no evidence of where she is now."

I switched the T.V off and sat there, waiting.

"You lied." Spencer said calmly.

"Spencer I-"

"You lied, and now that psychopath is still out there." His voice began to shake, he was beginning to scare me, and that's saying something.

Nevertheless, I still spoke. "He's not a psychopath."

"Max, yes he is."

"Spencer, he's done some unforgivable things but I know he isn't a psycho." I shook my head, disagreeing with every word he said.

"Maxi, he lied. Whatever he said to you to make you believe that he isn't a psychopathic monster, he made up. He lied, and now I can see where you get it from." Spencer spat.

"He kissed me." I said, ignoring his previous words.

"What?" He growled in response.

"He kissed me." I repeated, "And I liked it."

"Get out of this fucking house." Spencer snarled.

I had just returned and already he was wanting me out. I didn't even know if he was joking.

"W-what?" I stuttered.

"You're one of them. You're on their side."

"Spencer, it's not like that-" I began.

What he said next struck me like a bolt of lightning.

"Okay, is it not? If you don't get out of this house I'm calling the police and throwing that maniac in jail, that way you'll be here and you'll tell them everything. However, if you go away, you'll establish that you've chosen them over your own family and you'll be away from me."

I decided to stay inside.

But then I thought, Spencer hated me now, and he'd tell Mum and Dad and Renee and then they'll hate me, so what's the point in living with them?

So I left.

And I left a lot more eagerly from my own house then I did Calum's.

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