Chapter 10

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The girl was none other than my sister.

I should've done the right thing and confronted her, but my days of doing the right thing were long gone.

I bolted straight back into the shop and hid behind a clothing rack nearer to the window so I would know when she had walked by and that the coast was clear.

But she never did.

A painful ringing sound erupted from the door, notifying me that my sister had entered the shop.

"Renee, what's up? We took you shopping to take your mind off of Max." One of her friends said.

"I know," Renee sighed.

"You know she's okay, don't you?"

"Of course I do, there's no way that disgusting creature put his hands on her, she would kill him - literally." My sister said, by now all of her other friends were scurrying around the shops, trying on skirts and things.

"Where do you think she is then? Do you reckon she's fallen in love with the kidnapper?"

"Jessica are you hearing yourself right now? Don't be so ridiculous." Renee muttered.

"Could happen," she shrugged.

"No, it can't, and I know why that can't happen, because when Max was born she came with a brain."

"Whatever," Jessica mumbled. "So do you have any idea where she is?"

"Well when Calum took me he said he wanted like, a partner in crime or something."


"Max might be a criminal now, she could be in jail - I don't know."

"You really think?" She asked.

"Maybe, Max-,"


"Max?" Renee cried, clamping her hand over her mouth, tears beginning to brim her eyes. "What- I don't - Max?"

"I'll, um, go." Jessica whispered, the colour sucked harshly from her face.

As she said those words, she walked away.

"Renee," I started. "There are things that nobody can protect you from. Not me, not even yourself. But what I need you to do now is to carry on, like- like I was never here. Like I never existed at all."

She shook her head, the tears spilling down her pink cheeks.

My younger sister was beautiful, blonde, tanned. I was pale and long black hair was usually discarded of by being scraped into a pony tail. I resembled a crow, and she was a dove.

I continued, "sometimes you just have to except the inevitable, because if you don't you're just gonna're gonna be like me."

"I want to-" She began, but I interrupted.

"I thought I could protect myself from anything. I can't. Fairy tales don't happen like their supposed to, romance movies are bullshit, and you can't rely on what you tell yourself - not anymore."

"M-Max. Please just let me help you." Renee begged.

"I swear, if you call the police...he's going to kill you all."


"I don't even know anymore."

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