Chapter 14

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"What happened?" Luke asked as I stormed past him, as if he predicted that it would go wrong, then again, it did.

"Calum was there." Michael snapped, trailing after me.

I leaned on the kitchen counter, sliding my hands down my face.

"Do you reckon he's following you?" Michael questioned, sitting on the counter next to where I stood.

"No," I sighed, turning around and staring out of the kitchen window. "He said the police are onto me and that he covered up my tracks, but he's not following me."

"I'll look into it," He declared.

"You don't need to, I know exactly what I have to do." I murmured.

I had to end this, to put everyone out of their stress. Luke, Michael and possibly even Ashton were throwing their lives out of the window for me - and I wasn't okay with that. Even Calum was going out of his way to ensure that the police wouldn't find me. So the only way to stop that was to end their search. As fun as it was, I couldn't carry on hanging out with criminals, because if the police did find me, they'd think Luke was the kidnapper. I couldn't do that to him, or Michael, or Ashton. I didn't give a shit about Calum, but when I turned myself in, I was going to protect him, say it wasn't Calum that took me. I didn't want to cover for him, but I knew eventually I wouldn't be able to stop myself.

I was going to turn myself in the police.

I left early that morning, and made sure to leave no clues on where I was going, I didn't need Luke running after me.

It was about six o'clock in the morning, and the breeze hit me like it was a tornado.

I walked for ages, looking for the police station. When I finally found it and hurriedly walked through the double doors in relief, the little digital clock on the desk read '6:30'.

The girl at the desk acknowledged my presence, and a large smile spread across her face. I supposed she didn't have many people come in so early. The desk was guarded with glass like the ones at the bank and she lifted up the little hatch so she could speak to me.

"Hello! How can I help you?" She greeted me eagerly.

"I'd l-like to turn myself in," I stuttered. I was actually doing this, I wasn't so sure on how you turned yourself in, but I tried my best. "Max Lawrence."

Her face went pale and she closed the little hatch, uttering something into the microphone she had. Nevertheless, I could still read her lips: 'We have her.'

What happened next was a bit of a blur, about five policemen and women filed into the room at an excessive speed. One of them grabbed my hands and held them behind my back, he started to shove me into a room leading who knows where. I felt the grip on my hands loosen and the man dropped to the ground.

The window smashed through and Calum came into the room with and impressive looking shotgun, and shot down the remaining policemen.

"CALUM STOP." I screamed, but he ignored me, chucking me a gun as more policemen ran through the door. Calum effortlessly shot them all dead, I'll admit, I was impressed how he wasn't dead. But he'd just killed about ten people, right before my eyes.

Calum walked over to the desk and tried to open the hatch that separated the poor receptionist who had took cover from the disgusting crime scene that had happened here.

When he couldn't open it, he punched through the plastic in frustration. "C'mon love, get up and I won't kill you."

The receptionist rose to her feet.

"You tell anyone about what happened here and I'll have you and everyone you've ever loved dead in five fucking seconds." Calum threatened, "Now go."

She ran out of the police station like she was on fire.

After she'd left, Calum turned to me, and I threw my gun in his face.

"ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE?" I shouted furiously.

Calum slung his head, not in shame, he pressed his hand to his cheekbone and when he looked up again it was bleeding. I didn't care.

He didn't say anything, and I held my glare as he strode towards me.

He better not fucking kiss me again.

Calum didn't kiss me, infact, he hugged me. He brought me into his chest and hugged me.

I didn't pull back, but after a while I reckoned we should get going. "Come on, before more police get here."

"Do you want a ride back to Luke's?" Calum asked.

I shook my head, this was going to be mine and Calum's last encounter - in forever. But as much as I told myself otherwise, I knew that wasn't true.

Devil On Both Shoulders [Calum Hood]Where stories live. Discover now