Chapter 6

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I didn't react. I was completely frozen. Trust Max to get kissed by a criminal.

Calum pulled away after three seconds, I supposed he was hasty because I was just shocked, my muscles were so tense I couldn't even move them. My heart was plummeting out of my chest with so much force it didn't even feel like it was trapped securely in my ribcage like it usually was. I didn't know where it was.

Something streamed through my blood, frizzling my skin numb. I couldn't feel anything. My legs quivered, struggling to stand. Calum stared into my eyes for a moment, before exhaling deeply and turning away.

I frowned. "Calum?"

He ignored me, slamming the cupboard door close and striding out of the door. He slammed that close too.

Great. I'd made him mad. Trust Max to get a criminal mad.

The second he pulled he gave me a look, and I will never forget that look for as long as I live. His eyebrows slightly knitted together, his chocolate eyes displaying confusion, hurt, anger and realization. I was rendered unsure to what it was he'd realized, but I know a look of sudden knowledge when I see one.

I tried the door to go after him, but Calum had locked it.

I scanned the room for an alternative source of escape, and discovered a window. I pushed it open with ease, peeking down before emerging from the space.

Shit. It was a long way down. But I didn't know when Calum would return, so I decided to stay inside for about thirty minutes and if he didn't come back I'd leave.

Ten minutes of twiddling my thumbs span past, and I was already bored.

I walked over to the window, and peeking down, I saw how high up we were, cars that looked like toys whizzed past and the houses were an absolute blur.

I lifted the pane up, but my plan was shattered when I heard the door open.


My hand remained tightly clutched around the handle of the window.

"What are you doing?" Calum asked, his voice trembling with anger.

I didn't answer him. It was stupid of me to even consider climbing out of the window, but Calum seemed to have other theories in mind of what I might have been doing, or was trying to do.

"Maxi, answer me." He growled, I could feel him stride closer to me, but I refused to look at him.

"I wasn't doing anything." I mumbled.

Calum got closer, and snatched my wrist from the handle, forcefully turning me around to face him. I looked at him with fury in my eyes.

"Max, I swear to God if you were-"

"No. I wasn't. Okay? Get the fuck off me." I snarled, retrieving my hand and ramming him in the stomach with my elbow.

Calum doubled up in pain, but I'd chosen to deny any feelings of sympathy.

"Where were you, anyway?" I leaned on the wall, folding my arms and awaiting his answer.

"Does it matter?"

"If I'm going to be your prisoner from now on, you might as well tell me." I said.

"You're not my prisoner." Calum murmured.

"Let me go then." I retorted, taking my weight off the wall and back onto my two feet.

"Do you want to leave?"

I didn't even hesitate, "yes."

"Okay." He muttered as if it wasn't at all a big deal, he didn't make eye contact.

That grabbed my attention. "What?"

"Okay, you can leave." He still didn't sound like he actually cared.

I didn't know if this was some sick joke or Calum was really granting me my freedom.


"Yeah." He nodded, a black mist hung over his chocolate eyes, invading them, so I was staring into two circles of darkness.

"But know this," Calum swallowed hard, "You won't be free for long."

There's always a catch.

I deciphered this as some sort of parole, so I'd spend an amount of time to enjoy the world and then I'd be slammed back into a metaphorical cage again. Calum should know more about parole then anybody.

Obviously, I jumped at the opportunity to leave. I had to go back to my family and ensure them that I was fine. A day spent with Calum didn't pass where I didn't think of the ones at home.

I walked out of that door - no - I ran. I wanted to show him how much I hated him in the form of desperation to leave. But as much as I wanted to look back, I didn't, because I knew it wouldn't be long until I saw that face again.

Calum's P.O.V

I don't even know.

I don't know why I kidnapped her, or her sister in the first place.

I don't know why I made her steal.

I don't know why I brought her here.

I don't know why I brought her to the flats.

I don't know why I left her with Luke, Michael and Ashton.

I don't know why I kissed her.

I don't know why I stormed out.

I don't know why I let her go.

I just don't know.

I probably have the answers to these questions somewhere in my brain, but the only answer I can think of right now is that I'm a sicko. I'm a monster. I'm a psychopath.

Ha. Like I haven't heard those words before.

I didn't really know what to do either, but the first word that came to mind...


I inhaled deeply as I drew the cigarette away from my mouth. I'd smoked this shit so many times it was a skill. I didn't even get high from it anymore, it was just a wave of comfort washing over my body, and that's all I really needed right then.

I imagined Max right now. Her black hair streaming out from behind her like silk ribbons as every step she ran rendered her farther away from me.

I hadn't known her long, but I knew she wasn't like any other girl I had ever met in my life. Okay, she was. They all ran away, and she did too. But not like that, she actually put up a fight. It was like, I couldn't hurt her, and not because I couldn't bring myself to it, but because she wouldn't let me.

On top of that, I lied. I didn't want a partner in crime. I was just bored one day and my psychopathic brain just decided that I should go and kidnap someone. So I did.

But when I Max came and demanded her sister to be free, I was honestly quite startled. To think someone was brave enough to wander the streets at midnight when there's somebody as dangerous as me lurking in the shadows was overwhelming. I wanted her. Not in a sexual way. I just wanted her around me, I wanted her presence.

I lost that.

And I don't know if I'll ever get it back.

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