Chapter 9

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       Aoi's smirk that night made Yume uneasy as she could feel Aoi's hatred. At this point, all the Aikatsu cast were falling into chaos, and things were seemingly getting worse and worse, as everyone started hating each other more and more.

      Yume was outraged, Kumiko had Ichigo and Akari be mimicked by other actresses for a crossover. In fact, almost everyone was replaced except Mizuki, Aoi and Ran. It cramped her stomach that Kumiko could just put in lookalike actors. Aine was getting annoying too. She wasn't being mean, but she was definitely getting pushy for Aikatsu Stars to finish, which it was almost over in the film process. Aikatsu Stars was soon ending, and Yume could finally be free.

       "Goodbye!" Ichigo said waving before getting on the airplane.  It was time for their trip to mexico.  Her Mom blew a kiss before turning around and going home. 
       "So, are you excited?" Naoto asked.
       "I'm so excited!" She said with a smile.  Naoto took notice of her outfit, she wore a black floral maxi dress with a halter top.  It wasn't quite as edgy as before, which he liked.
       "I really like your dress." He said.
       "Oh, this? It's slightly off the image I like to give off, but I fell in love with it." She said with a giggle.
      "Well it suits you.  I mean- It's not a pink cutesy style but I'm kinda liking that american hollywood elegance." He said.
       "Well, the cutesy days are gone, but I guess a more sophisticated image wouldn't hurt....."  Naoto lit up.  Its closer to herself than the rebel, which was totally out of character.  "...but the rebel image is my way of revenge on Kumiko." She said.  So, this is why? to get payback? "But please don't tell anyone....After all that's been done, I want to feel nothing like the old me.  The old me as weak, unkind, bratty, under a mask of giggles." She said, having had enough of bottling everything, she finally opened up to Naoto.  He took her into a hug.
        "No matter what you do, be true to yourself.  Don't try to base yourself off whatever you're trying to escape, just be you.  That's truly being strong." He said.  Ichigo was overwhelmed with emotion, close to tears.  "Ichigo, I love you just the way you are.   You don't need to force yourself to be something your not.  Whether you're or cutesy or not, I know that this rebel thing isn't you." He said as Ichigo let a few tears slip down her cheeks.  After a few minutes, she quietly wiped the tears and said,
       "Thank you."

      "It's over." Akari said sternly.  Shigeo looked at her in shock.  "You expect me to stay with you after you get engaged to another girl behind my back?!  I'm so done with you." She said taking out the last of her bags.
       "What are you gonna do? Run away with that designer?" He asked in a taunting tone.
       "Actually, yes." She said crossing her arms.  "I've been falling in love with him lately, and with you getting married to Kumiko's daughter, I'm out." Akari said angrily.  
       "How did you even know about this?" He asked angrily.
       "It's all over the internet, how wouldn't I have found out?"
       "I strictly told you you couldn't go online!" He said.
       "Another reason it's over, Tsubasa doesn't give me rules." She said getting in her taxi.  "Bye." She said.  She dialed Tsubasa Sena's number.

       "Tsubasa-san! I just broke up with Shigeo.  Permanently.  Can we meet up?" She asked.
       "Sure!" He said happily.  He really hoped that this time, it was for real.  After 30 minutes, Sena drove up by Akari's motel room.  She ran up and hugged him.
       "Oh Tsubasa I should have listened to you, he was terrible." She cried as she hugged him. Tsubasa was speechless.  "He got engaged behind my back!  To Kumiko's daughter!  I'm so sorry I didn't listen to you." She cried.  She'll probably get back with him in a week or something.  You still stand no chance.  "The truth is....I was going to break up with him anyways.  There's this other guy I've been falling in love with, but he probably doesn't like me back...I still broke it off with him though.  Because I was so done with him." She said, starting to blush.
        "And who is this guy?  Does he treat you right?" He asked.
        "Yes, but he probably thinks of me like a little sister...." She said.  "I don't have the courage to tell him though."
        "Well, the worst that can happen is that he doesn't like you back.  And if he's a jerk about it he's not worth your time.  However, if you don't tell him, then there's already an answer."  SHe took a deep breath.
       "Tsubasa-kun....I really like you.  You always took care of me after fights with Shigeo patiently.  You never complained.  You always cared for my well being.  I started growing feelings for you, and realised how bad Shigeo was for me.  You don't have to accept my confession, but thank you." She said.

         "Akari, I've always loved you, so hearing that is a dream come true." He said with a smile.  Akari threw her arms around him and buried her face in his chest.  He kissed the top of her head. 
        "So, in books this is the part where the lovers kiss, does that mean we....?"  Her face was bright red in awkwardness.  Tsubasa giggled.
        "You sure love your books, don't you?"  He lowered his face to hers. "Sure, this can be like a novel."  They leaned in, and they kissed.

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