Time to Pay

39 0 0

                                                        ~WARNING: blood, violence, pain.~

                                                    ~>8o <> <3< <3 ~
I rushed into the change room, still trying to hold back tears. The scene in front of me, well I've seen it before, but it wasn’t as brutal as I had grown accustomed to. Marco was rolled up into a ball, lying on his side, back to the wall he had a sock stuffed in his mouth with a headband to hold it there, restricting him from screaming for help. His head was bleeding badly from his eyebrow, but he had also got blood all over his face as well and in his, well what used to be fantastic bleach blonde hair was not a bloodied mess. His white leather jacket that he loved to much was used to bind his arms to his sides, and his feet where tied together with something like a rope blood was all around him on the floor, it looked like a murder scene. There were three men in the room, all laughing as you entered. 

        There was two guys kicking Marco in the stomach and another guy was watching in the corner with a camera recording the display. The guy holding the camera in the back was the only one that seemed to notice me, his eyes widened, he quickly shoved the two other guys and said something like 'Scatter!' or something. Anyway they scattered and I ran to Marcos side, taking off his bindings, I got the sock out of his mouth and he began coughing and wheezing, those idiots didn’t let him get enough air. He looked up to me and I noticed that he was seeking comfort, I hugged him, amazed that he was still able to move his arms, I inspected his arms further and noticed that those guys must have had a knife with them or something, his arms where all gashed open, I knew he had to get to the hospital. But I still sat there with him for a few minutes, eventually he caught his breath and we both stopped crying. "Can you walk?" I asked him. I heard a muffled answer, his voice was very shaken, "Y-yeah" I would have carried him, but I was way too weak.

         He had practically all his weight on me as I helped him up and off the ground, and as he and I walked out to our gym teacher. Our teacher was about to complain about where I had been, then he noticed a massacre victim on my shoulder. Our teacher ran to us and he took Marco from my arm, our teacher told everyone to stay put and play with the basket balls, he told me to come with him to the office so I did. When we all got there the office called for an ambulance and I was just sitting with Marco on the ride there, they took him in to emergency and I waited. His parents came a little afterward and I told them what happened, they were devastated but they also said that they would have to complain to the school. Was that really all they could do? Had this been an incident in my kingdom I would of had sent one of my Jesters on them Diamonds, or Hearts both quite brutal fighters, both would have got the job done swiftly. I just wanted the ones responsible punished.

                                                    ~>8o <> <3< <3 ~

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