To Scarvia 7

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The Cover photo is drawn by me, this is the character Spades, she is not mentioned in this chapter but heres a visual for her next chapter

I entered the portal; a very familiar feeling came over me as I have done this many times before. I felt my body change I knew I became the queen of Scarvia again; I couldn't wait to look in a mirror. The portal zoomed me into the portal room of my castle. I look around seeing huge machines making a wirrrrrr sound as they worked to materialize my body again I saw Clubs over in the clearing of the room sitting in a very uncomfortable looking chair, but being a robot it never did bother her she seemed to be shut down, I must of been a long time too, the others weren't there they were probably making sure Diamonds didn't come running after me. 

     I walk through and then look to my side to see how Rapto- well his name isn’t Raptor here his name is Avi the annoying little pink fairy, why he was a snake in the human realm I do not know. I turned to check on him and he was already gone buzzing off in a blur of pink, I was surprised how fast those puny wings could take him, he zoomed past The shut down Clubs and then around the corner, he must be looking for Diamonds to tell her I died or something that was going to bite him in the ass later.

      Clubs must of noticed Avi fly past her or her sensors detected a life force, she booted herself up her metallic rag doll form that was sprawled out in the chair now sitting up straight her hands in her lap and her emotionless eyes gaining a bright neon blue to them, she was much like Paula, but boy was she more advanced wayyyyy more advanced. Clubs stood up as I took a few steps towards her, the electrical cords that acted as hair swishing behind her as she moved. I came to stand in front of her and she bowed like a butler, then asked me of my needs, well more like stated she knew me like the weight of her sniper rifle, "Hello my Queen of Scarvia and our military commander, " she said in her monotone voice as she was still bowed,  " would you like to head to your chambers so we can get you more suitable and feminine clothes?"  

     I nodded my head while gesturing that she may stand up now, "Yes I would enjoy that" I agreed as I regarded the human clothes I picked this morning. Clubs nodded her head, "come with me my Queen" she said it as it was a routine that we did daily, well weekendly I suppose.  I followed her through the silver floored halls of my castle, the halls were quiet no random citizens of Scarvia to attend to, so no interruptions on the way to my room.

We got to my room after a long walk entering my royal purple room, the carpet being a magenta color, my bed on the far side of the room with the black sheets and my blue canopy I remembered, that in its self was a greeting home, across from my bed was my wardrobe red wood wardrobe lined with a gold frame the handles as well,  then to the right of my wardrobe was my large balcony, which I know it isn’t smart to have the glass doors right beside my wardrobe but I don't mind, I lived pretty high up anyways.

     Clubs went straight to pick out my clothes but I went to look out from my balcony lined with black railing, the railing shapes consisting of Hearts, diamonds,  spades and clubs I felt like it was necessary when I got it done, it was kind of like a warning, and it looked very nice.  Walking into my balcony, my doors moving before it got to them, as they were a part of the security system, which was Clubs she controlled the castle basically. Stepping out I leaned on the onyx colored railing and looked out at the pine trees bellow the castle and then covered up to the borderline of my kingdom from there was a waste land, but it had many rare resources.  Yes I live on the unsafe side of Scarvia as we live right beside the enemy border but it was safer for the people that way. I looked to my right then my left, my paper white hair swished with the light breeze of the mountain air. I looked to see the mountains on either side of my castle as far as my red and yellow eyes could see, the mountains kept the rest of the kingdom safe like a cage keeps a bird safe from a cat, and with our dragons hiding in caves in the mountains everyone was pretty safe, but I am always worried when I leave. If I looked directly across the border I could see the blurry outline of the other kingdom, I wasn’t sure if the king on the enemies side has taken refuge in that brick stronghold as I had done, but I was planning on arranging a meeting about trade we needed some of their resources. 

    I didn't have time to dwell on it, Clubs asked that I come in so I could change I obliged and went in standing beside her in front of my mirror, I stripped happy to see I have my normal body again, the first few times I came back without my normal hair, but we fixed that thankfully. I handed Clubs my human rags, she took them and folded them quickly, then moving to delicately pick up the dress she picked out for me it seemed to be a lounging type dress, she lifted it over my head with her extendable arms and it fitted nicely, looking in the mirror as she fixed the short tail of it. The dress looked like a toga of sorts, except strapless and at the bottom it the dress it faded to a indigo, the light fabric making it drift easily as Clubs fixed it, "... my Queen?" Clubs had been telling me something, and only then realized I wasn't listening.

     "Yes, sorry Clubs I was just thinking of the war," a lie but it usually works on everyone, and being as I was a fluent liar it works on- Clubs made an echoing noise... wait did she just laugh at me? 

     "No you weren't" she said in her stoic voice as if she didn’t even laugh, she turned to grab a golden string belt and lifted it over my head then tightened it at my waist slightly,  "Anyways I was explaining the situation with Avi, he, as you could of guessed has successfully yet again made Diamonds weep over by your throne, " I noticed her eyes light on then off, switching cameras, " Hearts is hanging out with Spades,  Avi is coming in and telling Hearts turning her attention from Spades to himself, he tells her what he did... Hearts leans back laughing loudly to the point where it is giving me a headache and Spades is shaking her head, not to impressed" she finished, while she was talking she finished getting me into my dress I slipped my pastel purple shoes on and we moved to the bed so I could sit down as she brushed out my hair gently. 

"I hope she doesn't soak the carpet," I say regarding Diamonds crying at the foot of my throne. 

"Indeed" she finished, then now done brushing my hair she put it up in a simple bun, then walking over to get my silver crown, the centerpiece of the crown was a circle green stone, it wasn't a emerald that for sure it was one that her dragon brought back for her when he was a pup practicing his hunting abilities,  back when her brother was on the throne he was killed by bandit attack while he was travelling to the border to make amends with the other kingdom, he was ambushed and the other kingdom blamed, making the war worse there were no witnesses except me I somehow got away I remember I blacked out when by brother, King Tirous was killed stabbed through the neck then his head was ripped off blood gushing out of his neck his head was thrown my way then looking I his perfect blue yet cold dead eyes while I screamed in horror then I blacked out. I woke up the next day maybe I was just lying in my bed breakfast beside me, I was told by our human butler back then I was to be appointed queen within the hour, I wasn't allowed to cry back then, and I still haven't.

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