The Norm 8

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The cover photo, again drawn by me, this time its Hearts, this is her visual and i till catch up on the character pitcures as i write chapters, next will be Diamonds i think.

Clubs placed my crown on my head and told me that I should probably make an appearance so Diamonds doesn’t start to pray for my souls well being. I nodded and agreed heading out the door with Clubs leading me to the girls. I figured if we found Diamonds first she would leave in a huff to find Avi, and Avi was with Hearts and Spades so two birds with one stone? But we were closer to Avi and the as-of-right-now happy couple so Clubs took me to the Common room.

The room was larger than my chambers, the flooring was a brown carpet the walls were red, because the room was near the middle of the castle there wasn’t a window but that wasn’t too big of a deal because of the huge chandelier in the center of the room, and for entertainment by the bar area was a dart board and across from that where we entered a holographic game of chess that Spades was sitting across from. Walking in Avi and Hearts were still talking over by the bar area of the common room, Spades was sitting on the couch a few paces away, she was probably just listening to their conversation her eyes barbed shut as usual. Spades had a smile creep up on her face as we walked in she listens to the way people walk, not how that look so she knew Clubs and I came in, She was wearing her normal attire her Lime and grass green jester outfit, which has something like a small two-to attached to the waist of her clothes, the spades symbol making up the shape of the two-to. "Hello Milady Jester," she said in a soft voice as if she were whispering though she wasn’t she just sounded like that regularly, "how was your time in the human realm?" she asked turning her head in my direction as if to make eye contact, the two tails on her headwear gliding along with her movements.

I smiled at her and gave her my usual answer, "Way too long," Clubs walked towards Hearts and Avi to inform them that I was now present, Hearts turned slightly to look at me through her mask, it was a mask as if she was in an all time masquerade ball, I have never seen her without it on, and attached to it was three lengths that went back and behind her head over her dark brown hair that was cut like a bob. Turning my attention back to Spades as she spoke to me again I swear I always see Hearts glaring at me with her- well I don’t know what color her eyes are either, she always has the mask on so I can’t tell. I just feel like she is staring me down.

"Anything interesting happen? You seem a bit... out of sorts," Spades concluded, she was always the observant one and I had no idea how.

I nodded then, just remembering Marco, "Yes actually, my 'friend' in the human realm has been terribly injured by some Heartless-" I felt that glare again, "I mean annoying male students" I peered over to the side to see that Hearts wasn’t looking at me, it might have been Clubs because of her whole situation.

Spades nodded, "too bad you couldn’t have brought him here, Diamonds would have been able to fix him up" I nodded back agreeing. Clubs then came over to my side Hearts and Avi with her. Avi hovered over with a bit of an oh-you-know-don’t-you look in his fuchsia eyes, he knew he was in shit but that wasn’t the reason I needed to talk to everyone right now. Hearts on the other hand sauntered her way over, then sat on the arm of the couch beside Spades her arms crossed and looking up at me.

"What do you need Jester?" A straight up question asked from Hearts and her sarcastic tone, I couldn’t tell her emotion though; the mask covered her entire face.

"I need to talk with everyone," I looked at Avi, "including Diamonds..." I finished in a slightly stern voice. Avi sighed and Clubs nodded, "This way please." Clubs said and began to walk out the door, Avi waited back with Hearts and Spades as Spades needed help navigating the room, but I followed Clubs right after she left, the others could catch up, just catching Spades scolding Hearts in a hushed tone for not calling me," your highness" which I didn't mind Hearts just straight up calling me Jester made me feel like we at least has some sort of understanding of each other, though Spades still thinks it wrong.

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