The Message 10

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The art above is draw by me, this is a visual of Clubs


I walked into my room with a small smirk tugging on my lips as I saw Clubs Heading out with something to feed the awaiting harpy. I decided after I write the letter ill call Valerie up. I turned to my desk, leaving my door open getting some parchment and writing a short message on it,

"King Galivian,

I send this message in hopes of meeting. I would like to set up a proposal of a trade, but we shall get more into this when we meet.

Scincerly, Queen of Scarvia, Jester."

I nodded at it, short and to the point. I folded it up neatly, put on the royal crest of 'the family scepter' put it in a small canister so the harpy's tallons didnt rip it up then walked out onto the balcony. Clubs was just headed back inside, knowing from the setting sun- or her internal clock, that it was tine to see if my supper was ready, she left.

I looked out towards the other kingdom, nearly a land of ruin looking now i saw the clouds of brown pollution above the storm hold just beyond the border. Then the harpy spoke its black down curved beak moving slightly and its big pupiled eyes staring at me, "Well," its voice was very scratchy and loud, "where am I taking this for you Queen?" She said 'queen' as if it was a curse, having little to no respect for me, I didnt mind.

"The Storm hold there," I said as I placed the canister in front if the harpy's legs while I nodded across the border.

She nodded and squwaked, taking the letter in her talons and balancing on one leg, "ah! Into the kingdom Marthine eh?!" She stated it more or less then asked, at least I knew the kingdoms name now. She nodded like a parrot, "I will expect my pay when I come back Queenie!" She said with a hard flap of her auburn wings then diving off the railing, some falling off o her as she departed an floating to the ground bellow, off to Marthine.

I went back inside and took my black wooded harp, the designs of dragons etched into the wood sharply. I took it with me as I walked to the roof of the castle.

As I was walking down the halls I came across the common room again, I didn't enter but I saw Hearts lounging on the couch with Spades nestled into her side comfortably, Hearts with an arm around her. I smiled a bit as I walked by, that being the only distraction.

I reached the spiral staircase and climbed it easily as I did this often in the human world. I reached the top, the air thin and crisp from the snow on the mountains the breeze wasn't bad but it was just enough to make my dress move in the slightest. I stood in the middle of the gym sized platform, and I craddled the harp in my one arm, while the other slowly began to glide over the strings, making a calm melody to the ear, but it could be heard throughout the kingdom for dragons, though I was only calling one.


Sometime while I was playing my song I heard the soft flap made from wings of leathery skin, though I did not open my eyes from the extra wind brushed along my skin, as i wanted to finish the song first, I opened one of my eyes, the left one, the red one just too peek then catching a glimpse of her gray tail covered in amethyst stones swishing around as she layed down to listen to the song, I closed my eye again and began playing another...

Song -

Heyyyy thanks for reading! Please give me some feed back in the comments, and it if you like it.

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