The Plan 9

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The picture above drawn by me, is a visual of Diaminds.

Diamonds jaw dropped, "You want to what with king Galvian?!" She squeaked at me in alarm. Meanwhile Spades had a sort of worried face on at my plan.

"Dont worry I wont be-" I started then I was intercepted by Diamonds again.

"I cant- I mean we cant let you, trying to get through to the other kingdom is suicide! We are all in this together and we cant allow you to go thats crazy we- mmph!" Diamonds had a hand slapped over her mouth shutting her up.

Hearts with her hand over Diamonds mouth then growling a bit, "If I hear you say 'we' one more time I will never spar with you again," I now it sounded weird, but I think they both enjoy fightin with eachother, she continued, " now just shut up jester is talkin, I want to hear- ow!" She uplled her hand away whipping it off on her pants then inspecting her hand, "she bit me! You little brat!"

"Well then-!" Diamonds started.

"I think its a good idea," Spades had been quiet the entire time she must of been thinking. Hearts stopped to look at her then stood up straight, arms crossed looking at the ground and silent while Spades continued.

But then Diamonds crashed in again, "You cant be serious! Are you not seeing how dangerous this is for our Queen?!" Hearts flinched when Diamonds said 'seeing' so did Spades but she smiled and spoke quietly.

"Yes I understand the risk Diamonds, " she said making Diamonds sigh in relief, she then continued, "but we do need the resources that King Galvian's kingdom posses as I'm sure they also need Scarvia's items." She finished.

"Yes they do" Clubs said beside my throne, I turned my head to look at her, just as metallic as ever. "They need our Brithwen; their status for clean air because of the depletion in their own, their stats may be down because they are simply running out or they just have bad conditions to grow Brithwen in-" her eyes flashed yellow she must be connected to the other kingdoms network somehow, she just asks me if she can leave for a few days then she cones back with some type of new way for getting intellect, I think she might have some of her sensors attached to a radio tower in the enemy kingdom.

"So-" Hearts and Diamonds asked at the same time and they bith abruptly stopped their sentances. Diamonds making a scoffing sound and Hearts not bothering to continue what she was going to say...

Finally after some tense silence Spades asked "what do we need then?"

I answered that for her "Crystals," she tilted her head in my direction confused and I continued "recently our scavengers have not been able to find more, and eventually the dragons will go hungry." Spades nodded and I saw Avi with a worried look on his face, "Whats up Avi?"

Avi gave a hesitant look at Diamonds before looking to me and speaking, "w-well its just I remember the time one of our guard dragons got hungry..." He gulped looking away, "she took out an entire flock of Angels and other dragons, terrorized villages for days till the old king, your brother, king Tirous shot the beast down." He finished and I nodded slightly at his story the 'angels' he spoke of are Avi's kind they may change form but after that day its been hard to find them as they take the form of normal fey as Avi is now, he is thousands of years old so he knows a lot, mand that Diamonds, is why we have him here. But it is long since remembered what Angels look like in their true form, they all went into hiding. I ignored the next statement of my passed brother.

Clubs make a clicking sound then she began humming bringing up a holo projection of my brother beside his tall figure with his red cape, pale blueish green skin, short black hair, both his eyes were yellow. Well this is what I imagined when looking at the projection, what Clubs showed was from her vision so she didn't know what his colours were, what everyone else was seeing was just a 3d model of a turquoise figure she began talking of him.

"King Tirous was commonly known as 'King Tirous the Legendary' after his death. He got this name from the many deeds he did to protect Scarvia while the war was going on at the time..." She continued, but I kinda dozed off. I have been told countless times how amazing he was how courageous, how resourceful... How he was everything I never will be.

I intercepted Clubs "Clubs please," she stopped talking mid sentence and turned off the hologram she turned to me and said 'yes your Grace?' "We all came together to discuss the plan for negotiation so please let us get back to that," she nodded and I continued, "now, as I was saying, I do not intend to go alone if he agrees, I will send a harpy for him if he replies then I will take Diamonds and Hearts" I got two exasperated sighs for that one, I would of taken Clubs, but she is of prime technology the other kingdom might not know of her yet, "if he replies with yes we will leave when we set a time and place for the negotiation to take place, understood?"

Spades answered with a yes, Hearts also a yes, but because shes just so stoic she muttered, "I'll go get my whip" at this point I don't care if shes upset about going with Diamonds. Hearts takes Spades hand and they both leave to go do whatever. I didnt need her answer she enforced whatever I said without question, Clubs let the trap go and Avi flew out, probably to go get me a harpy ready. Clubs asked if she should get out some dragon feed for when I call my baby over, I nodded and she left to the kitchens. Diamonds stayed.

I stood up from my throne and then Diamonds came up to me and hugged me like a child would their lost toy, burying her face into my shoulder. I wasn't un-aquatinted with this kind of behaviour from her, so I did what I would usually do and hug her back a bit petting her long locks of golden silk, "Its been a while," I said and she nodded.

"I don't like your plan," she muttered into my shoulder.

"You never do," I replied, "but thats why I picked you to come, so you can watch over me" I knew it was a bad idea, but it would but her to ease.

She nodded knowing majority rules and pulling back from the light embrace. Diamonds knew that my mind never wavers, but she tried anyways blurting out an "Jester I-"

I instantly cut her off knowing where this would go, "No," I said and she shut up, looking at her feet sadly, "now if you'll excuse me, I have a harpy to send" I said then I walked past Diamonds out of the throne room...

And like all the times before I heard a small voice just loud enough for me to hear whispering, "I love you..."

Hey I wanted to thank everyone for reading, I've been noticing the reads er- veiws? But whatever im just happy I have some people actually reading my stuff ♡♡

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