Looking Back 11

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My song came to an end, the last tune caught in the cool mountain breeze. I opened my eyes as I let my hand down from the last vibrating string. The sight of Valerie, my dragon since birth, I hatched her from the egg after she was abandoned. My brother got one aswell, he was a Bornite Dragon, the brother of my Amethyst dragon, but after my brother died the kingdom could not find his dragon so we assumed him dead. It frightens me, when I die; does Valerie aswell?

However away from such thoughts I saw Valerie tilt her triangular grey head, the headdress of amethysts down her neck shimmering in the dying light of day, "What are you thinking about Elpha?" She asked with a low rumble in her breast, she was concerned.

I faked a small smile and placed the dark wood harp on the crystal roof beside me and I took a few steps towards her, "Nothing, just the kingdom," I replied not wanting to stress her, her job was just as hard as mine, having to control an army of dragons. On that thought I thought it wise to ask of how her Flock has been doing; have they found out of the shortage of crystals yet? "How is the Flock?"

Valerie hissed, that bad huh? She looked the other way not saying anything, but I could read her purple eyes easily. I walked up to her stroking her wing leathery and silver like the rest of her, down her back was encrusted with purple gems, she was still young I have seen what other kingdoms do to gem dragons, harvesting their gems then leaving the dragon unprotected with no hard crystal to protect them from a single blow from an enemy. I would never want that for her, "So?" I waited for an answer anyways; I know she doesn't like it when I practically say what she is thinking.

Valerie growled a bit, her wing twitched slightly as I petted it, "I don't like lying to my Flock..." she finally answered softly, I could hear the restraint in her voice, she was angry... I didn't blame her, "they will all find out eventually, for now we still have enough to keep up the regular eating rations, but when they deplete," She sighed through her nostrils and peered over to me with one eye, "they WILL find out, and they will come after me, then..." she nuzzled my side with her nose gingerly looking down at me with worry, "...then you." She finished, relaxing her wings now, not tense anymore. Valerie looked at me with the true loyalty that a human dog would have for a caring master which was her downfall... just as it was Diamonds.

I lost my smile at that remark, I know its true. I turned myself to face her so her muzzle was aimed at my chest and I brought my hands up to stroke the crystal bridge of her nose, her breath warm against my skin. She closed her eyes at my touch allowing me to continue, words where not needed for our meetings, it would be to say we almost have the same mind, we where bonded by blood. Our hearts both continue on with human, and dragon blood, my blood and her blood. No matter what I cannot allow anything to happen to her, Diamonds may be willing to die for me, Valerie maybe not so much. Diamonds may love me, but I do not love her; she may think that it is possible but part of me is with another already, I cant be cut three ways. Valerie is my first priority.

We stayed there in silence for a while, we parted to watch the sun set, we talked a bit; I informed Valerie about the trade message I sent to Kingdom Marthine, Valerie mostly caught me up on the news of the kingdom; rumors and such. One she was quite keen on was about the bandits, how they had a new leader some say it was a court Jester, others say it was if fact one of the warriors. However I knew that was a lie because none of them fit such a description, a pear body shape, pale skin and golden eyes; this person's clothing scheme sounds like one of the Jesters though a hat that had two tails like Spades, but with purple stripes? And Spades was blind no one could of seen her eyes. Apparently this person is merciful though, leaving the innocent out of it, mostly just raiding royal caravans for supplies then giving it to the lower class magical creatures. The residents call this specter 'The Giver' there is no real name yet. I just call this person a fake; there is always a catch to something that good. Then Valerie said something of another rumor, she hadn't heard much so its not that big of a deal, but apparently there is a 'Seer' about in the kingdom, it wasn't too informative. 

Time passed it was now night fall, Clubs would be looking for me. Valerie swooped off the castle roof saying she also had to attend to her Flock, to keep them oblivious even though it made her sick. "It will get better; I promise Valerie I have sent a letter to the other kingdom Marthine. If King Galvian agrees to meet we can talk trade negotiations,"  I reminded her, Valerie growled, knowing even if she said something it wouldn't change my mind, she simply nodded and said her goodbyes and departed, soaring off the roof top her silver scales now shimmering with the pale white light of our lady moon, she was shining brightly tonight.


I turned around only to see Clubs cradling my harp standing at the exit, her metallic body doing similar to Valerie's body in the moon light, her eyes illuminated brighter than normal durning night, "I advise you head to your chambers- Recommended that you sleep at least eight to nine hours- you have a kingdom to attend to in the morning," she stated, not asking me or commanding me to or anything which is good.

I nodded simply "... I agree..." then looked back out at the stars, seeing Valerie so far away now, "...but come get me in five more minutes Clubs,"

"As you command, my internal clock is set for five more minutes I will come get your grace in three-hundred seconds," she said then left me to my privacy her heels clinking down the stairs. It made me a bit upset, being reminded about how I had to force Clubs into coming with me, into this world. Clubs would have picked death over coming here, in the end she didn't have a choice, and she was dying when I found her. Clubs was in the middle of a war, her side was losing, and I guess she had nothing more to lose so she didn't mind death. However I could not allow that. I narrowed my eyes at the thought; she was a wonderful warrior, a one shot in the dark. She was shot through the heart The Clubs now was just a metal suite that her brain was programmed into, her flesh body was beyond repair, and she basically has magic and a water pump as a heart now. Clubs is programmed to listen to me and do as I say, she doesn't have a choice, she is on an invisible leash... even she doesn't know its there, yet.

"Empress, it has been approximately two-hundred and thirty seconds, would you like to head back now?" Clubs appeared behind me again, I wasn't startled her heels were very loud.

"No, thirty more seconds Clubs," I answered still looking out at the dark before me. Valerie IS my top priority, for more reasons than one. We keep each other tied down; a human kite without the string goes off where the wind takes it. Valerie is my string, I am her's however our kites will be taken by a different wind if one of us snaps... What I am really worried about is how I will lose myself if she gets killed. There are legends' of human and dragon bonds, mostly the legends' end with something along the lines of the dragon dying, then the human either going insane, like murder insane, or they are just so stricken with grief they try to resurrect the dragon leading to the inevitable death of the human as it is impossible, but when stricken by grief... anything seems possible.

"It has been five minutes - three-hundred seconds, this is the time you wanted to head to your chambers correct, milady?" Clubs hummed behind me.

I turned around and nodded, "Yes, to my chambers now"

Clubs turned, "Follow me to your chambers please," and then began to walk, so did I following Clubs without hesitation. Then the same thought came up, just as it always has when Valerie leaves, when I think of those legends...


Is she the good side of me, or the bad?

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2015 ⏰

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