The Book

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These stories are my own that I have created unless I say otherwise. Sometimes I will copy and paste some from the Internet. I will tell you which is which before the story starts. I do not own the cover photo. Credit goes to the owner.



The Book

Emily was twelve years old. She loved to read and write, even though most of her classmates thought she was a nerd. She didn't care that people teased her about reading three thick books, which were heavier than a brick, in a week's time. She loved what she read. Her favorite genre was horror. She'd read all of the horror books in her school and public libraries.

On Friday, Emily walked into her last class of the day, which was English. She clutched a brand new horror book to her chest as she sat at her desk. She looked around for Allie, her biggest bully, but she wasn't there. Emily found that unusual. She had been in the same classes as Allie for the past three years, and she'd never miss a single day. Emily leaned over to one of Allie's friends.

"What happened to Allie?" She asked the friend.

"I don't know. I texted her during first period, but she never answered. Then I texted her in fourth, and still no answer," she said, "Now stop talking to me. My reputation will die."

Emily rolled her eyes and sat back. She thought she might as well enjoy her Allie- free day.

After school, Emily did what she always would do on Fridays. She would got to the library and search for new books. When she went in and went to the horror section, she looked carefully at all the titles. There was a smaller book wedged between two books. She picked it up and ran her fingers over the cover. It was brand new. She was glad she found it, so she checked it out.

When she got home, she sat down and began reading. It was weird how the main characters name was Allie Larson, which was Allie the Bully's full name, and that she was twelve, but Emily kept reading. When she got to the fourth chapter, things got gory. There was a stalker who was ready to kill Allie. Still, Emily kept reading. By dusk, Emily was on the last chapter, and Allie was brutally beaten then stabbed to death.

Emily shivered and closed the book. That book was the goriest one she had ever read. It was scary. To get her mind off of it, she turned on the TV to the news channel. There was a new story.

"Allie Larson was found dead in her home around six PM. She had been brutally beaten and stabbed to death shortly after her parents left this morning for work," The reporter said and they showed the picture of the killer described by a witness, "Please report any information or sightings of this man. Thank you."

Emily's jaw dropped. She turned off the TV, then looked at the book. She just read how her bully died. She then looked at the window, and the killer was there. She gasped. After all, the book had a sequel.

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