Chap. 5: It's Called Revenge

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Lauren's P.O.V.

Christina woke me up, shaking me and telling me that:

1. "We're gonna film a new cover."

2. "We need to start practicing."

3. "Everyone is already awake."

4. "You overslept." Duh.

5. "Lisa, help me. She won't get up." I feel dead. I will never get up.

6. Lisa told me, "You missed breakfast."

At that last comment, I sat straight up.

"What! Why didn't you wake me up!" I screamed.

"We tried!" Christina said.

"And we've been trying for the past 15 minutes," Lisa said.

"I JUMPED on you and you STILL didn't wake!" Dani laughed. No wonder my side hurts.

"Thanks a lot, Fatzilla." I told her.


I didn't even respond, just grabbed my favorite cut-offs, a t-shirt, and a baseball cap and ran to the bathroom to change,  locking everyone else out.

"Laurennnn! Let me in!" Amy pleaded.


"Pleaseeee?" Amy's too cute to stand, and besides, I had finished changing. I let her in, and she gave me a hug. Which I turned into picking her up and putting her on my shoulders. I walked downstairs, still with her on me, screaming,

"Lauren! No! Put me down!"

"No." I responded again.

Suddenly, I heard a laugh. Cody was sitting at our breakfast table, talking to Dani. She's probably filming another DaniCam episode, and I can see it now: Waking Lauren Up and Interview with Cody Simpson.

Then Dani, excuse me, Fatzilla stared at me, the camera pointed at Amy and I.

"And exactly what are you two doing?" She asked with a wierd face. Amy and I laughed.

"Haven't you heard? It's the new, umm, um...."

"Thing you do with your favorite sister! Right, Lauren?" Amy smiled.

"Umm, sure, Amy. But Amy is my favorite sister," I say, as Amy cheers,


Dani squints her eyes and shoves her camera at Cody. He looks at me like, "What?"

"I would shrug, but Fatzilla 2 here is so heavy, I can't." I tell him. He laughs as Amy cries, "Hey!"

She stays on my shoulders as I make oatmeal for breakfast. I hate almost every kind of cereal.

"Lauren, I didn't eat either. Can you make me some?"

"Sure, Fatzilla the Second." This time, she went with it. I am making her breakfast, anyway. I swear, she is the absolute CUTEST thing sometimes.

When the oatmeal is done, I hand Amy's bowl up to her, and put my hat on to protect me head.

"Just try not to get any on my hat." I tell her.

"Kk. I can try."

She sets the bowl on my head as I sit down in the chair diagonal from Cody. He laughs again, then a second time as Dani comes down the stairs on Kath's shoulders. 

"Kath is my new favorite sister 'cause she's the only one who would carry me. Christina and Lisa are just weak!" Apparently,  this was not said quiet enough, because Christina yelled, "No!" at the same time that Lisa yelled, "You're just too weak to carry yourself downstairs!"

"If you came downstairs, you'd understand! Lauren and Amy started it!"

Both came running downstairs, and said "Aww!" at the same time when they saw Amy on my shoulders.

"Lamy 2!" Lisa said, as she took a picture. "That's going on Twitter. And Lamy 1 is me and Amy."

Cody's P.O.V.

Lauren and Amy are so cute. Especially Lauren. I have no idea what I'm doing here. Really, it's to see Lauren, but no one knows that but my bodygaurd, Jack. He has given me really good advice on how to hook Lauren. I just haven't tried any of it yet.

I ask Christina,

"Can I be in your cover?"

"Sure," she responds. "We'd love to. Plus, our manager will love it. If it goes well, maybe we can do a whole song!"

Amy flips out, then grabs me so she won't fall off. I try to grab her, but we both start to fall. Oh dear.

Suddenly, I stand up and run around the table, seeing that nobody was doing anything. I let Lauren fall on me, while I grab Amy around the stomach, her leaning on me too.

"Cody, you had better take her off. My shoulders are sore!" Lauren tells me.

"My pleasure, m'lady." She blushes. Score.

I picks Amy way up off the ground and spin her around. She screams, of course. Then I walk outside. The girls follow, but when they walk through the door, I had already set Amy down. She was not walking in a straight line, still dizzy.

"Watch out!" Amy screams. But it's too late. Before she knows what's happening, I start to tickle Lauren. She falls to the lawn, laughing really hard. I keep up the tickling until someone pulls me off her. I look up, and it's Christina and Lisa working together. I only laugh and start to run away.

"Not again, Mister!" Dani yells, and jumps on my back. She's too small for me though. Maybe any of them would stand a chance if Katherine jumped on me, but she stayed inside to make cupcakes. Typical.

Then, I saw Lauren. I got lost in thought, and fell over. Dani laughs, but quickly cuts it out when Lisa jumps on me, on top of Dani. Then Christina, Lauren, and Amy. Then, just to rub it in, a shirtless Joey runs out any jumps on Amy. To make it even worse, I see Kath taking a picture from the doorway.

"What are the chances that you'd delete that?" I asked the best I could. I still had 5 people stacked on top of me, and it was getting hard to breathe.

"Exactly zero. I'm sending this to you and Fifth Harmony. It's called revenge." She smirked.

Right about then, I rolled over so that everyone fell off.

"Sorry guys, it was getting hard to breathe!" Everyone murmered an agreement, except Joey.

"No it wasn't! "

"That's 'cause there were not a ton of fat people on top of you," I explained.  I quickly took that back. All of the girls were giving me death glares.


"Alright, that's enough. I say we get to the cover. It'll be the last one before the tour. Any suggestions?"

"BO$$ FIFTH HARMONY!" I yell out of the blue, but no one looks at me like I'm crazy. I forgot, this is normal for them.

"Any objections?"

Only silence.

"Then let's get to it!"

How Did You Know? (Cody Simpson/ Lauren Cimorelli, Jai Waetford/ Dani Cimorelli)Where stories live. Discover now