Chap. 13: Blood Donation

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Just so you know, the syndrome mentioned here is real and Amy really does have it. She did have to take shots every day for years. It's called Turner's Syndrome. I don't know if she's afraid of needles or if Lauren was there, though.

Amy's P.O.V.

The doctor calls Cody over. All the singing made me smile, but I'm not okay on the inside. Two people I love are in danger. Everyone appears to be okay, but I know that no one actually is except Elyar. He doesn't know these girls. He doesn't have these problems. He's not asking if Lisa is okay, either. You can see it in our eyes, we're not okay right now. Elyar can't see it, I guess. His cutesy speech has bought our trust for the time being. Behind that cute face (Okay, I admitted it) he could be a heartbreaker.

Just now, Cody comes over.

"Doctor says Lauren is in surgery and she desperately needs a blood donation so she won't be in for certain death. It doesn't garuntee her living, but she really needs it. They aren't sure they can save her, but they're trying their best. The only person with the same blood type is Amy, and they need blood now." I scream and curl into a ball. I absolutely hate needles. I have a syndrome that made my not grow anymore. I had to take growth hormones every night, by injection, for years. I don't need it anymore, but my mom had to give it to me. Lauren was always there to hold my hand and make me feel better. Just in time, she grabs my hand.

"You'll be okay, Amy. I'll come with you. Just one more time, for Lauren. For Fifth Harmony. For someone's life. You can do this." She knows, the most out of my sisters, how absolutely terrified I am of shots. Since day 1 of the needles thing, she was there. And I still need her there, it doesn't and won't matter how old I am.

I get up. Lauren still holds my hand.

"I am coming with her, no matter what, no matter what you're going to do to her. I don't care." She says to the doctor when he starts to push her back. He gives in. They tell me to lay down. Lauren grabs a chair, not caring if it was the doctor's desk chair. It's nice knowing she puts me above what everyone else thinks. The doctor glares at her. I laugh.

"Don't you need to save someone's life here? Is a chair going to get in the way?" He ignores her. He pulls out a needle. I grab for Lauren's hand, and she holds it tight.

"Sometimes, it's easy to get carried away, listening to things people say. Feeling like nobody's got your back, but everything you need is everything you have." She distracts me.

"Don't worry, Amy, I've got your back, no matter what. Look, you're done."

I nearly faint at the sight of how much blood he took.

"It's not that much, actually." He said, seeing my worried look. That doesn't help.

"Amy, look at me. You lived. Did you even feel it?" She asked, standing me up.

"Not really. Thanks, Lauren. I've got your back, even more than Cody." She laughs.

"Yes, you do." I reach up on my tiptoes and kissed her on the cheek. She smiled. We walk back to the waiting room, still holding hands.

"You did alright?" Camila asks.

"Yeah. She did great, barely noticed the needle." Lauren answers for me.

"Only because you were there. You distracted me, being the best sister ever that you are." She blushes

"So Lauren isn't in for certain death. Thank you so much, Amy." Camila said.

"It was absolutely nothing."

"Yes, it was. You're terrified of needles. You overcame your fear for Lauren."

How Did You Know? (Cody Simpson/ Lauren Cimorelli, Jai Waetford/ Dani Cimorelli)Where stories live. Discover now