Chap. 22: Me & Amy

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Lauren's P.O.V.

I woke up from a dreamless sleep, immediately recognizing the hospital room I had been in for awhile. I became lost in thoughts of what just happened, snapping out when I heard a voice say, "Lauren?". I gave a small scream, startled by little Amy.

"Amy, you scared me!"

"Sorry, Laur. How are you doing?" She looked apologetic. I tried to move my right hand. No response. I tried again, with the same result. Well, this is going to be SO annoying. I looked down at my wrist. I sighed.

"I can't move my hand, so I guess I'm alright. Are they going to put a brace on it or anything?" I hate this, but Dani's right. Recovering hand= better than no hand. A deeper voice penetrated my head. I immediately recognized it as Cody's.

"They'll be here in a little bit to put a brace on. You won't have to leave the bed, lazy bum." I grinned and he pecked my cheek.


"Shut your mouth, Amy." She gave an evil smile. Nothing can look evil on her, but if you took that smile and put it on Lisa or Dani, it would look like they just did something incredibly evil. Which is entirely possible.

"We do start the tour tomorrow, no more delays whatsoever. According to Scooter, this tour is happening wether Lisa dies from too much pizza or not. Which she might as well, and then you'd have to sing all her parts. Then someone would have to do the backup singing for you, and it would all get messed up. Maybe I should go stop her." Amy rushed out of the room. Cody and I laughed, along with a third person. I twisted my head around so that I could see who was behind me. I knew it was Dani, I could recognize her laugh anywhere, I just wanted to see her.

"Wassup, fatzilla?" She's being her normal, only slightly annoying self.

"What's it look like, fatso?" We both laughed while Cody started playing with a strand of my hair. He must be braiding it.

"Owwwwwwwwwww Cody you just pulled like 10 hairs out!"

"Sorry sorry sorry!"

"I'm kidding, it was like two."

"Still sorry. Look, here they are." The doctor walked in, Dr. Harford if I remember correctly. Amy ran in behind them, looking a bit sugar high. What did my sisters give her? Anyway, she must have convinced Lisa to stop with the pizza, or she'd be sick. A second doctor walked in after Amy, and a lot calmer.

"Amy, what did Lisa give you?"

"I don't know, what's it called, a pixie stick?" I turned to Cody.

"Oh God, pure sugar. Cody, please hold her down." He laughed, but took a hyper Amy to the bench beside me and sat her down, telling her to stay still. Amy ended up wringing her fingers and playing with the hem of her shirt, trying really hard to obey Cody. I decided that she could stay inside this room, as long as she doesn't start bouncing off the walls.

The doctor held out a black brace for my wrist.

"Miss Lauren, we will have your hand in this brace until you can move your hand again, to make sure nothing moves around. You are actually very lucky that we were able to piece the bone back together. You and the other Lauren, eh?"

"Yeah, I guess. Am I on painkillers right now? Will my wrist hurt later?" I didn't want to talk about almost loosing Jauregui.

"You are on painkillers. It will hurt a lot without them. By your reactions to things earlier, I don't think you will like the news I have for you." He wrapped the brace around my wrist and gently set it back down. I flinched.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2014 ⏰

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How Did You Know? (Cody Simpson/ Lauren Cimorelli, Jai Waetford/ Dani Cimorelli)Where stories live. Discover now