Chap. 21: Surgery

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Sorry this chapter is short for what I usually write. I don't plan on ending this story for awhile, but I wanna start another fanfic. I tend to always like fanfics where people are a bit supernatural, like werewolves and stuff. This one probably won't be about werewolves, but the girls , ay or may not have some special powers ;) Keep an eye out, I'm writing the first chapter after the chapter here. 5SOS & Demi Lovato will be in it too.

Christina's P.O.V. 

We had just walked outside and shut the door. I heard Dani talking to Lauren. I wonder what is was that needed to be said privately. I sae that Lisa had her head to the door, eavesdropping on their conversation.

"Lisa, that's rude." Amy reprimanded.

"Wait, guys. Lauren's saying something about a song she just made up, something about anti- bullying. She's singing what she has so far now."

We all suddenly seemed to forget that eavesdropping was rude, and pressed our ears against the door. Well, this sounded very nice. Lauren helped me write the songs on our first EP, Cimorelli, but I never thought about her writing songs herself. Dani and Lauren started talking again. Dani had ideas for the song, too. Why did I never think about her, either? Soon enough, they had the whole song.

They chose parts, then practiced it. It was really catchy, mostly rap. Lauren said that it was dedicated to that girl she saved, to anyone who was being bullied. To my knowledge, that was the first time Lauren had ever been bullied. She seemed to take it so well, though. I wonder what happened in the one year that Lauren and Dani were sent to a public school?

I heard Dauren practice the song. Right when they finished, Cody and Jai ran in.

"Where have you two been?" Kath asked. "Lauren could've used you there."

"We were unaware of it, because we were with 4/5 of Fifth Harmony, in their room, talking. We went downstairs and then we saw the note. We didn't have a car, so we ran here. Dinah and Normani rode bikes and Camila skateboarded. They should be right behind us. We told Ally and Lauren to stay behind, even though they really wanted to come."

Just then, three girls walked in. They looked exhausted, as tired as Jai and Cody. We left Camila behind? She must have gone to tell her bandmates about Lauren. No, because they found a note. She must have stayed in the lawn, coming after everybody else. That makes sense.

"Well, that was impressive of all you guys to come running. Thank you. Lauren is on pain relievers right now, she's talking to Dani about a song they just made. They told her that she could either have an amputation and get a bionic hand, or get surgery and keep her real hand, but not be able to move it for an unspecified amount of time. She chose surgery." Kath told them.

"How long is unspecified?" Cody asked. Sometimes, he's very bright. Other times, not much.

"Umm, unspecified? That means they don't know."

"That slipped out before I realized it, Lisa. My mind is on something else, just get off my case." Cody growled. Woah, what got into him? Lisa looked a bit upset, she probably doesn't know what she did. Honestly, I don't, either.

"I'm sorry, Lise. My head really is off somewhere else. I didn't mean to snap at you. I don't know what got into me." He apologized. He really is so sweet. Lisa brightened up, back to normal.

"Apology accepted. Can I see Lauren now?" She looked at me.

"Me too?" Cody must really want to see his girlfriend. Makes sense.

"Me three?" That was Kath.

"Me four? Wait, what?" A confused Amy.

"I wanna see her." Normani.

"LET ME IN I WANNA SEE MY BFF" Well, that was, for sure, Camila.

"Yeah, dawgs. Let me in too." Dinah proclaimed, putting a hand over Camila's mouth. Camila must have licked her hand, because Dinah suddenly pulled away with a disgusted expression, wiping her hand on Camila's shirt. Immature people.

"I would like to see her. Is Dani in there too?" Jai was a bit calmer than Camila.

"Everybody chill. Lauren is talking to Dani. Camila, licking people's hands is immature, when Dinah was trying to respect other patient's privacy. And it's gross."

"I don't want someone's dirty hand over my mouth. And she probably just wanted to put it there."

"Yeah, I honestly just wanted to shut you up. Why did you lick it if it's dirty?"

"You do that sometimes, you just want to put your hand over my mouth. Nothing else will get it off. One time, I had your hand on my face for an entire movie. It was annoying. Why do you cover my mouth if you know I'm gonna lick it?" Okay, that's enough. I stepped in between them.

"People, how about no more covering mouths and no more licking, please and thank you, get it, got it, good. Let's go in." Everyone shut up. The boys ran in as fast as possible, and I followed a bit slower. Lauren and Dani were looking at me. Lauren looked like she hadn't even seen her boyfriend. Why, I don't know.

"What was that?"

Dani said, "Nothing!" at the same time that Lauren decided to tell the truth.

"Me and Dani wrote a song and we want to make a duet out of it. I'm assuming you heard it?"

"Yep. It was absolutely fantastic!"

"We want to make it into a single, just the two of us. Are you okay with it?" Dani clarified further.

"Definitely." I noticed Cody was holding Lauren's uninjured hand.

"How do you feel?" He questioned.

"Okay, but I'm on some kind of painkiller right now. If I wasn't, I would feel absolutely horrible."

"Oh dear. I hope you get better." Jai was concerned, too. If he wanted to ask Dani out, I think I would trust him with my baby sister. He's been proving himself slowly, in all the little things he does.

Everyone else had filed into the room a minute ago. It was rather crowded, but when a doctor came in, a path magically appeared. Huh.

"You are Lauren Cimorelli, am I correct?" He was probably here for Lauren's surgery.


"We can take you for surgery right now." He picked up her arm, but she didn't even flinch when he felt it.

"This is in quite a few pieces. The other doctor must have put you on some strong painkiller. My name is Dr. Harford, by the way." Everyone introduced themselves.

"Just so you know, pretty much the only names I remember are Cody, Katherine and Amy. No offense, but I'm kinda bad with names. Two of you numerous people can come and sit outside the room to wait for her." Everyone looked at either Amy, Dani, or Cody.

"Doctor, can I sit on the floor with them?" Dani asked.

"If you must, person whose name I can't remember."


Lauren's P.O.V.

Great, surgery. The painkillers were so strong, my shattered wrist caused me absolutely no pain when Dr. Harford picked it up. Woo, this whole non- moving- hand thing has me estatic. No, not really. I will definitely need help from Dani. The doctor had a wheelchair waiting for me. He helped me into it and wheeled me to the surgery room. Cody, Amy and Dani followed close behind, hanging back at the door. I turned around in the chair, using my left hand to make a finger gun and shoot myself in the head. I rolled my eyes. They laughed, Cody giving me a thumbs- up.

They layed me onto the bed, putting a hospital gown over my regular clothes. It's not like it actually mattered,  because my clothes all had blood on them on that side. Another doctor had a needle, and looked like she was ready to put it in my arm. I screamed and dodged it. Three other doctors held me down while she put it in my upper arm. I absolutely hate the feeling of the needle under my skin, and seeing Amy upset over needles every night for years didn't help either. I hate needles about as much as she does.

I fell asleep.

How Did You Know? (Cody Simpson/ Lauren Cimorelli, Jai Waetford/ Dani Cimorelli)Where stories live. Discover now