Chap. 15: Lauren, No!

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Lauren C's P.O.V.

"We love you more." I said those words just as her heart stopped beating. Those were the last words she'd ever hear. I grabbed her hand. No. This cannot happen.

"Lauren, please wake up. Are you still there? Lauren, you can't do this. God, why? Why now? Why couldn't you fix this? God, answer me! Answer me! Why Lauren?" I was so mad. Mad at Lauren for going after the attacker. Mad at God for taking her. Mad at everything.

"Lauren, she's not coming back." Normani told me. She was one of only four people left in the room: Me, her, Camila and Cody.

"I don't care." With that, Normani left. Cody kneeled down with me and Camila, hugging us both.

"I don't really care what they say, I think we can bring her back. I believe in God and that it's not too late. Lauren, please come back." Cody said.

"Me too. Lauren, we love you. Come back to us, your life isn't over. When you and Ally get better, we can go on the world tour with Cimorelli. You still have your whole life ahead of you." Camila told Lauren J.

"God, I'm so sorry for yelling at you. We all love Lauren so much and I'm frustrated that we couldn't save her. I don't understand why she had to go now. Surely it wasn't her time? When it's not your time to go, you don't go. God, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please bring Lauren back." I got up and sat on Lauren's bed, looking down at her peaceful face. Tears started to come, and I wasn't about to hold them back.

Lauren J's P.O.V.

It seems like I'm leaving my body. No, I don't want to leave. No matter how much my body is beat up, no matter how much it will hurt, no matter how long it will take to recover. I don't care, I would give anything for even just a little more time with Lauren and Camila. And my bandmates, all my friends. A little more time on Earth. It's not my time. And from what Lauren is saying, she thinks the same. I hold on as long and hard as possible. It's like something is prying my fingers loose, like sommething wanted to separate me from everything I love.

I continue to float upwards. No, I don't want to die. I don't want to go to heaven. I want to stay on Earth, no matter how rough it is there. Suddenly, I see Heaven. It has every material object I've ever taking a liking to, my dream house, and God. Wait, God?

He spoke to me.

"Lauren, it isn't your time. I know because you want to stay so badly."

"Yeah. I would do anything for a little more time there."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I feel like I left everything behind, and not in a good way. My friends, my family, my fans. They're all missing me and I miss them. I miss life, I miss the chaos. It's too quiet here. I love my home, I love my crazy life. And I don't really care about your rules for death, no offense."

"None taken. I understand. You can go back."

"Thank you thank you thank you! Is it too much to ask for Ally back out of her coma, too?" God laughed.

"No, Lauren. Now, go." He gently nudged me.

"I love you." I tell him. He smiles.

"I love you more."

"And I don't doubt that." I smiled, then jumped back to Earth.

Camila's P.O.V,

Will Lauren ever come back to us? I start to cry. I get two hugs. I'm so lucky to have friends like this. Ones that will never leave me, no matter what. Lauren C no longer holds Lauren J's pale hand. It's cold and we are slowly losing hope. I grab Lauren J's hand. Amy walks in and sits down next to Lauren C and starts rubbing her back.

"How's it going?" She asks.

"Not successful so far. But we're not losing hope at all." I told her.

"Good." I notice something weird with Lauren J's hand.

"Guys, I think her hand is warming up." I tell them, excited.

Cody feels the other hand, to make sure it wasn't just my body heat.

"Yes, yes it is! Amy, can you go get the others? They need to see this!" He asks her.

"Yeah!" We hear, ans she's already out the door. Soon, everyone comes in, looking just a bit skeptical, but Amy wouldn't lie. Especially about something like this. I see Lauren's chest moving the tiniest bit.

"Call the doctor! I can see her chest moving!" I say. Lisa goes and gets someone. The machine starts to beep, slowly, but it's enough. Christina screams. She had gone to check on Ally. I hear her say,

"Ally, you're awake!" Yes. Thank you, God. Lauren C was right, you could and did save Lauren J. Her eyes opened, bleary like she had only been sleeping.

"Lauren! You're back!" Lauren C screams.

"Woah, not so loud. Yeah, I'm back and staying back. I saw God in heaven and he let me come back. And Ally. I really didn't wanna leave you guys. I love all of you."

Been to Heaven and back. Woah. That's amazing. She must have really not wanted to leave.

Yay happy ending! But not the end of the book! They still have to tour! And what about Jai Waetford? Will he come on tour with the girls? Or will Fifth Harmony get their slot back? Or both? What do you think?

How Did You Know? (Cody Simpson/ Lauren Cimorelli, Jai Waetford/ Dani Cimorelli)Where stories live. Discover now