Leave him Be

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First chapter of ya bois back together HAHA.

Lol I need to stop.

(third person)

"He's doing it again." A brown haired man growled, looking through the glass of the recording studio.

A second man, with black hair, rolled his eyes as he leaned back reading a magazine.

"Well you know what's gonna happen if you bother him."

The first man gave a long sigh. "He wastes time spacing out like this. And he's been doing it more recently. Don't you wonder what he's thinking?"

The second man turned a page. "It's not our business, George. Besides, I'm just the equipment guy. I don't know what you want from me."

"Help. I want you to help, Jacob."

"Well, sorry to dissapoint, but he doesn't talk to me either. I've found that just letting him chill while he spaces is the best way."

"You mean so you don't have to put some effort into something."

"No. So I don't tick off the guy who gave me a job. And don't go into the whole thing about you paying me because we both know he makes the money."

The first man growled and stomped out, leaving Jacob and the man in the booth.


Peridot POV.

"So wait who's this guy?" I adjusted my phone while tugging my bags up the stairs.

"He's a cover artist, but he recently wrote a song. He could be upcoming. I figured I would let you know he wants to animate a video for it."

"Well yeah I appreciate that, but I meant like his name."

"I'm blanking on his real name, but his stage name is weird. Hold on..."

"Dont put me on hold!" I joke, waving at the hotel receptionist and entering the elavater.

"Here it is: Nier. Like near, but with an I instead of an a? I don't know why...it doesn't say. And the real name isn't here either. Ooo mysterious."

I roll my eyes. "Okay, but are you sure that's how it's pronounced? I don't want to walk in there and say his name wrong then not get the job, Steven. I need it."

"Yes I'm sure! I checked with the guy George. Nier's maneger. He also said something about how it's deep or something."

"Yeah, okay. I'll call you after I meet him this afternoon, alright? Bye, steven!" I hung up, swiping into my hotel room and flopping onto the bed.


I let my emotions out in the form of a groan/scream into the nearest pillow.


Lapis POV.

I hummed, picking randomly at the strings of my guitar while staring at nothing in particular.

But I suppose I couldn't daydream forever. Jacobs voice came through a speaker in the corner.

"Nier, dude... George is ticked again. And you have that meeting with the animated in about an hour."

I rolled my eyes and set my guitar down, stretching. "When is George not ticked off?"

I heard a faint "HA" from the other side of the glass, and I walked over, exiting the recording room to find Jacob leaning back in his chair.

He just gave a wave, and went back to reading a gaming magazine. I, however, made my way downstairs to find George on the phone.

"Look I can't make it, and neither can he... no I understand, can't we meet another time?... then what's the point!?"

He hung up, then turned a with a fake smile as i leaned against the doorway. "Let me guess... a recording studio?"

"The real deal. But they refuse to reschedule. So I guess you'll just have to put up with that one upstairs for now."

"hah. That's fine. It's home-y in there."

"That why you always space out? Listen, you need to get something nicer than a tee shirt and basketball shorts for the meeting with this animater guy."

"Do I HAVE to go? You're my agent, you go scope him out then I can discuss my ideas with him later."

George gave me a blank stare, the same one he gave me every time he thought I was being an idiot. I raised my hands.

"Alright, geez. I'll go put on some jeans and my nice jacket!"



I adjusted my jacket as i followed George into the resturaunt. "This place is a bit... fancy, don't you think, george?"

"We wanna impress the guy enough to take the job. Plus I got a gift certificate and they have really good steaks here." I smiled and rolled my eyes, looking around the place.

"What's this guy even look like? Or his name?" I followed George over to a corner booth, and the waitress gave us 3 menus.

"I... Perry... something? I've looked up some of his work, it's REALLY good. And just out of collage too." George began looking, while I just leaned back and closed my eyes.

"I think I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick, George." I hopped up, hearing a "humph" noise from the stubborn man.
Peridot POV.

"I'm supposed to meet here with George?" I smiled at the lady.

"He's over in that corner there."

I nodded. "Thank you."

I swept my hair over a bit nervously as i walked over to him. "Uh... George? George Hemmings?"

He looked up, and smiled. "Ah! There you are. Just on time. Nier went to the bathroom."

I nodded again. Sitting down. "Actually I was gonna ask you about his name. Nier is kinda strange..."

"It wasn't my idea, kid. It's something personal to him. He's never actually told me."

"But you do know his REAL name, right?" I asked, leaning forward a bit.

"Oh of course. But sorry, we're trying to keep him a bit of a mystery for now. Nothing personal."

"Of course... I get it. Actually. I took the time to listen to his song. I had a few ideas already..."

"Great! He's open to that. And speak of the devil!"

I turned with a smile, but it faded. He stopped as well just about a foot from me, and his eyes widened.

I felt my heart race a bit, and I gripped the table with my left hand.

"Oh... hello..."



lol what do you guys think?

1042 words

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