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I got more fluffy gay shit.

Lapis POV.

Oh my god... it was really him!

"Oh... hello..."

Me and him were both frozen, and his queit greeting surprised me. I gave a short laugh, and awkwardly extended my hand. "Hi...."

Did he recognize me? He froze just like I did... but he was acting like...

I went and sat across from him as George scooted to the middle of the rounding booth.

"Well we can order first, if you'd like, then talk business. I'm kindof hungry haha." But me and peridot were just staring at eachother. I managed to break his green gaDr and look down at the menu.

"Yeah... sounds good..." I assume he looked at the menu too as he said it.

I was torn on embracing him, or just keeping it casual until george left. It had been so long...

His hair was cut a bit shorter, but it was still blonde. And he looked a bit fitter then he had in highschool.

He was also wearing a medium sleeve shirt, black with white sleeves and a power button on it.

I couldn't help but look him over more, noticing small details. One of his ears was pierced, and the earring was just a small green cube. He had what looked like a small tattoo on his neck, but I couldn't see what it was.

But he was still wearing the bracelet. The one he got from his dad. It looked a bit more scratched up, and a few of the chains looked newer, but the symbol was the same.

My peri...


After a quiet dinner, and a few things about the music video discussed, we left the resturaunt.

"I think this will be a good thing for both sides... Peridot. If you'd like you could-"

"I think I'll hang out with him and discuss a bit more, actually. That's alright with you, isn't it?" Please go away I don't need you witnessing me cry probably.

George raised a brow, but huffed. "Sure!. I'll see you at home later then."

"Maybe..." I whispered, watching him walk the opposite direction.

I then turned a bit slowly back to peridot, who was just staring at me.

"I... its... It's been awhile... huh?" His voice was small, and he seemed a bit nervous, his body tense.

I lifted my hand and stepped closer, setting it hesitantly on his cheek. "Too long... peri...."

His mouth turned to a warm smile, as his eyes lit up and he stepped closer as we wrapped eachother in a hug.

"God I missed you lapis... you just left... perscilla told everyone... I was alone again..." I pulled my arms tighter around him.

"I didn't want to leave... I'm so sorry peri... I missed you too... I've thought abouaboutyou so much... I just didn't think I'd find you..." I nuzzled into his hair. Smiling as i noticed he still smelled like vanilla and coffee.

He was shaking a bit, but we both pulled back slowly, and I took his hand, lifting it up and kissing it before pressing it to my own cheek.

"Do... do you want to come back to my hotel room? It's cold out here and... we have some catching up to do..." he pulled his hand back gently, and I smiled as he blushed.

"Yeah... we really do." I huffed as he stuck his hands into his jacket, and I followed him toward his hotel.

Peridot POV.

"So I'm guessing you don't live here then... since you're staying in a hotel."

"Correct. Actually I have kinda just been traveling around..." i opened the door to the room, shutting it once we were both inside.

"Huh. I've been here the majority of the time. Where have you gone?" He sat on the edge of the bed.

I took my jacket off. "I went down to Florida for a few months. A bit too sunny for me though... went around the mountains, colorado, wyoming... that was cool." I smiled and flopped down on the opposite bed, sighing.

"Must've been nice..." Lapis added, fading a bit. I turned to look at him, and he was playing with his hands.

"Well... yeah, seeing new things is cool, but it's kindof draining to travel." I paused for a second, sitting up again. "Lapis... you ok?"

He turned slower, giving another smile, but his eyes dropped. "Yeah... I just... I thought I'd neelver see you again... yet here you are..."

He looked back down at the ground. "I never got to say goodbye, my dad just up and moved us to prevent me from seeing you... And my mom didn't do ANYTHING. I couldn't tell if she was on my side or his..."

I pulled my legs into a criss cross, looking at him worriedly as he talked.

"The second I turned eighteen I took off. I... I haven't talked to or seen them since."

I sighed, but scooted over to face me. "Sorry... I just... it's so good to see you..."

I tilted my head a bit and smiled warmly. "You too, lapis. I know it's not your fault you left... and no-one could reach you... your dad made sure of that."

"Yeah. He always avoided talking about stuff like that... I didn't thunk he'd be THAT homophobic..." he laughed a bit, which made me a bit more relaxed. He seemed so distant a second ago.

I looked down this time, biting my lip. "Are... are you seeing anyone?"


"No... most of the chics who ask me out are weird groupie types. And I'm still not... out of the closet..." he paused, and I saw a bit of blush creep onto his cheeks. "What about you?"

I shook my head. "I haven't dated anyone. I got asked a few times in collage... but I just wanted to focus on work... I was a bit of a bummer haha." I scratched the back of my neck.

"Nah, collage is a weird place. I wish I'd gone, but I kinda just wanted to get away from my parents."

I looked up, a bit shocked. "You mean you didn't go to collage?"

He shook his head. "My parents wouldn't have let me go where I wanted. They had to "approve" it first. And since I didn't have the money... I kinda just came here. Met George while I was strumming on the street, 5 years later here I am."

"I listened to your song, actually... it's really good. You've always been really good... but... I just mean... uhm..." I stuttered, laughing and blushing.

"I'm a mess, sorry."

"A cute mess."

I looked up again, surprised, to see him staring warmly at me. "It's not a bad thing, Peri."

I blushed a bit more, huffing and turning away. "Yeah well... " I heard him giggle at me and I shot him a look. "Don't laugh at me!"

He covered his mouth, but shook his head. "Sorry! Haha. You're just as cute as i remember... it's funny to me."

"Well you aren't that diffrent either. Except for your hair. Got sick of dying it?"

He shrugged. "No... but my mom liked it. So naturally in my ANGSTY teen rebellion I let it go back to my natural color."

"Dork. It looks good though."

He smiled again, and looked back up at me.

"Thanks, nerd."

Our bois are getting alooooong

I litarally couldn't fall asleep because I was imagining these two bois being gay AF and flirting with eachother

I've reached a new level of lapidot he'll.


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