I want him again...

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Peridot POV.

I gave a small wave as lapis left, and he stuck his hands in his pocket as he made his way to the elevator.

I shut the door slowly, leaning against it.

And I was smiling like an idiot.

I covered my face with my hands, chuckling at myself. "What are the chances... of everybody for me to work for..." I laughed more, trying to stop myself from blushing.

He was just as i remembered. Sweet, a bit dorky, and... Okay let's be honest, hot as hell.

He seemed a bit more nervous, but other than that...

He was still lapis.

My lapis...

I uncovered my face, and walked over to lay on the bed. As I stared up at the ceiling, doubts suddenly came up.

What if he doesn't like me anymore?

We didn't say a word about getting back together... or a date... or... anything. We mentioned dating others, but nothing about us being US again...

I rolled onto my side, hugging the pillow I had next to me. It was just the first day... maybe he doesn't want to distract me? Or maybe he didn't want to be that direct...

I curled up a bit more, feeling my eyes droop.

I guess I'll have to see tomarrow.

Lapis POV.

I grinned dopeily all the way back to my apartment, feeling my heart beat and my chest flutter.

Peri... god the same adorable nerd... admittedly hotter, but still cute.

I tried bringing up the subject of dating, but it didn't really get to US. But... I didnt want to rush him. We didn't have to.

But God was it good to see him. And god how amazing it would be to have him work with me.

I kept my smile as i entered, closing the door and tossing my coat onto the couch and tapping my foot.

"Finally home, slick? It's almost 9!" George popped out of the kitchen, leaning his forearm against the door frame. "Give me the run down, is the kid alright by you?"

"Oh... yeah. He's cool. Is he coming here tomarrow to begin?"

"As far as I know-"

"Great!" I patted his shoulder and made my way back toward my room, which was actually quite large. Splitting the apartment with George and Jacob made rent just about the same as if I was living alone.

George had his own stuff going on, planning and trying to manage me, and Jacob was ussaully out, so I mostly had the apartment to myself. That or it was really quiet.

I sat on the bed, smiling wider and chuckling at myself again.

"Peri... god... peri..." I layed back, uncovering my face and looking at the ceiling. "I missed you... so much..."

I lifted my sleeve, to reveal my tattoo, a copy of peridots symbol he made for me.

"I never forgot... I never stopped loving you..."

I furrowed my brows again.

"And I'm not ltrying you go this time... I promise..."

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