uNFNgngn gay

345 9 7

It was rough and perfect and oh dear God the pressure of his body against mine made me weak. Id never thought about whether I would be submissive or dominant in a uhm… well sexual situation, but my brain could only think of submitting. 

Instinct I suppose. I was smaller, not as physiccly strong. I mean I know that shouldn't matter but-

I whimpered as his hands landed on my lower back and dragged up a bit, taking my shirt up a bit with it.


Oh but it never lasts.

I managed to register the sound of the doorknob jiggling, and apparently Lapis did too, because suddenly he was off me, then grabbed my hand and guided me away down the hallway. The door opened just as he closed us in a room and held the knob for a second.

We both slid down the door, blushing and listening to Jacob (I think) enter the apartment and making sounds I guessed were supposed to be some sort of hum/sing song voice to some music he was listening to. It faded away, and the sound of a door closing hinted that he probably went to his own room.

The embarrassment hit me then, and I had flashes of the gentle face of Lapis when he said he was a fool for me. My face flushed, and I covered my it with my hands. "Oh my stars…"

"I am… so sorry." Lapis chuckled, and I managed to glance up to see him smiling but blushing as well. "I… I don't know where that came from. I am so sorry like I… I'm not… I don't…" he chuckled more, looking at me and sliding his hand down to rub his neck. "Did I uh… make you feel uncomfortable?"

"I have never, in my life, been that okay with a situation so… uhm.." I covered my face again. "Yeah." I removed my hands soon after though. "Why did you pull me down the hall? We could've just continued with our food…"

"Fight, flight, or freeze. My brain chose flight." He rolled his head toward me with an embarrassed smile. "And are you sure you could've managed to lie with a tomato red face?"

"Fair point." I laughed, covering my eyes. "I can't believe we even did that."

"More than I expected. I don't… I don't know what came over me." His voice faded off a bit, and I looked over to see him staring blankly ahead with a worried expression. Then he turned to me again. "I meant it. I really am a fool for you."

"You are a sap and a mess, and gay. and I am at least one of those at the moment." I chuckled, looking down at the small space between us.

"You're at least two of those, Peri." He corrected, and I snapped my head up, giving a small offended gasp. 

"I will slap you."

"I wouldn't stop you."

We just looked at each other, and suddenly I reached over for his arm, turning it over to look at the tattoo. I smiled. "Why tattoo it on yourself?"

He smiled lazily and let me trace the pattern he created. "Daily reminder of you. I thought if… I don't know if J never saw you and you were the first love that got away, I would want a reminder. Something that meant it happened." I looked up, meeting his eyes. "I don't regret it. Us, I mean. Or the permanent marking of my skin. There was just… a point where I was scared I would forget." 

"Lapis…" I didn't know what to say to that. "...I'm sorry."

"You never did anything wrong. It was MY family." He scooted closer, leaning his head on mine. "I know I've said it a lot the past few days but really I… I missed you. I love you."

I couldn't process this. But he smiled, looking at me as if… dare I say, I was everything. I felt small in the best way. If that even made sense.

"I love you too." I whispered, fighting my nervous instinct to shrink away. "And I just meant… I'm sorry. It wasn't fair."

"To either of us." He murmured. I nodded.

And then I moved forward, kissing him gently and keeping our foreheads together. "Yeah."

"What now?" I managed after another few moments of silence. "collect ourselves and get back to work? Stay here and talk…?"

"Maybe it's a bit selfish but I really want to keep kissing you." He said, his blush deepening.

I blushed as well, looking down immediately in embarrassment, but he tilted it back up and searched my eyes for permission.

I didn't know how to respond. Our last kiss just looped in our mind and I could process anything else. My face got redder and redder, but eventually I blinked, then leaned forward, connecting our lips again and relaxing. Why did I have to think anyway?

We lost ourselves again, his hand coming up to cup my face and push just a bit harder. We exchanged pleased hums and… well I whimpered a few times but that's not the point.

He pulled back after a few moments to look into my eyes again, and gave the cutest, dorkier smile I'd ever seen. Before moving to kiss my cheek and down my neck as I chuckled.

"If you give me a hickey I am going to punch you." I said flatly.

"You wouldn't." He murmured, so sure of it. And he was right. I would PUNCH him. I'd probably just pout. But he seemed perfectly content with light ticklish kisses, before nuzzling and sighing.

My mind finally calmed, and I finally managed a thought.

Dear God we have it bad...

Ajr got me fucked up so have this

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