Date night

402 18 10

Gay bois are back

Lapis POV.

I couldn't stop smiling as peridot was attempting to focus. He tossed the ball and managed to take all 6 bottles, fist pumping then pointing to a little alien plush then returning to me.

"S-sorry... it was just so cute..." he laughed, tucking it under his arm.

"You're cuter. peri... I missed this. God I missed you. And I haven't been this happy in years." I sigh happily, bumping into him slightly as we walked further down the peer.

"I've felt so dull the past few years.. everything routine and serios... this is a nice change." I saw him blush a bit.

I smiled again, moving my hands up to stretch and put them behind my head. "George is gonna kill me" I laughed, and peridot joined in, as we made it to the end of the boardwalk.

Peridot sighed and leaned against the rail, and I joined him. "You hungry? There's a nice little grill place a little ways down..."

Peridot smiled. "Maybe... can we just stay here for a second...?" He leaned his head on my shoulder.

I panicked a bit, freezing up, but I relaxed my shoulder, looking out at the sea.

"Lapis... you remember perscilla?"

I frowned. "She's the reason we got found out. I wish I didn't, but it's kindof hard to forget."

"I heard she's in jail. Fraud. Isn't karma a bitch?" I could feel a cheeky smile spread across his face, and I smiled too.

"In the best possible way." I laughed, bumping him slightly again. "But I guess I can thank her for one thing."

Peridot lifted and turned his head, raising a brow. "Thank that snobby girl for something? Oh I gotta hear this."

I huffed, and leaned a bit closer to his face, teasing. "I can thank her for making me realize how gay I am. Specifficcly for you~"

He laughed, pushing me away and backing up. "You're an idiot."

I would get offended, but the joking nature of it made my heart beat and make me feel warm. I watched him struggle to stop giggling, which made me giggle in return.

"Okay. Food?" He stopped, wiping a few tears of laughter from his eye.

"Course." I took his hand, and we fell back into step with eachother while walking back towards the boardwalk.

"Peri I kinda wanted to ask you something... just... the... yesterday, i guess. When we were at the resturaunt... I just noticed there was something on your neck..."

"My tattoo?" He looked up at me, confused, but then blushed. "I-im mean... uhh..."

"So you do have a tattoo~" I smirked, happy I was right. "What is it?"

Peridot huffed. "First of all, why were you looking at my neck? And second, maybe that's for you to find out. Preferably later."

I raised a brow, my mind going to a bit more innapropriate place then the blonde probably meant. "Well that's a bit fast, don't you think?"

He looked at me, confused again. "What?"

I realized my mistake and blushed. "Haha... nothing..." whoops. DAHMIT gay thoughts.

He still seemed confused, but laughed at me. "You are a strange guy, lapis. Is that the place?"

I nodded, glad he didn't catch on to my idiocy as we entered.


"God that was so good... can we go back?" Peridot had a small twinkle in his eye as i walked him back up to his hotel room.

I laughed. "Not tonight, Peri. But if you like it so much I'll definitely take you there again."

I hated the silence that happened when we reached his door, and I sighed. "I guess ill... see you tomarrow?"

Peridot stayed quiet for a minute, but then stepped closer, smiling. "Of course..." before I could move he had grabbed my face and pulled me closer, our lips meeting.

I closed my eyes, tilting my head and pulling him close. It was different, but also the same as i remembered.

We had changed, but I felt the same warm feeling in my chest whenever I saw him.

I was dazed when her pulled back, and he giggled, kissing my cheek. "Glad to know I can blow your mind~"

I blinked, the words not registering. "Hu...what?" He laughed again, releasing my face and opening his door.

"Good night, lapis." I could hear the cute smile on his face, and his door closed, leaving me in the hall.

And so deeply in love it almost hurt.


I was still in half a daze when I returned to the apartment, going mindlessly into the kitchen to grab and water bottle.

My mind kept replaying the kiss as i spaced out, a smile on my face.

"Someone looks like they just got laid."

I jumped, turning and seeing Jacob laughing and George shaking his head.

The older man gave me a strem stare. "Where the he'll were you today? I thought you were gonna help that animator get started!?"

Jacob laughed a bit harder, gripping his stomach and tears on his face. "Oh god, someone's got you curled around a finger, huh Mr. Lovestruck? Oh this is great!"

I blushed, but didn't get a chance to answer either of them before George scoffed and turned. "I expect work tommarow, boy."

Leaving Jacob wiping tears and hopping of the counter. "Who's the lucky lady? I mean if you're able to literally ignore hundreds of other girls who have wanted you, she must be SOMETHING. C'mon, tell your bestie the details."

I just blinked, and blushed, sipping the water and turning away. Right, because I was still too pussy to admit I was Bi and not straight.

And that I had a boyfriend.

Who did actually have me wrapped around his finger, as I hated to admit.

I guess I couldn't blame Jacob though, a bachelor rockstar type like me HAD to be straight.

When I didn't answer, the boy huffed and patted my shoulder. "Alright lover boy, I guess I'll let you soak in your new found love for a bit longer. But cmon, it's literally been what, 4 years? Can you blame me for being excited?"

He didn't give me time to answer that either, before whistling and turning, walking back toward his own room in the apartment.

This was a mess...

Lapis is too gay for this.

1061 words.

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