Work i Guess

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Warning: a bit more suggestive content. Dont worry, no more teasing dream sequences ;)


Peridot POV.

I somehow managed to make it there only 10 minutes late, huffing. I took a few deep breaths, bore ringing the doorbell and waiting.

I would've expected Jacob to answer the door again, but after a short wait, footsteps sounded on the other side and lapis opened, wearing a white tee and simple basketball shorts. He also had a towell in his hand.

He blushed, but smiled. "Oh. Hey. C-come in..."

I blushed as well, but stepped in, removing my bag from my shoulder. "Sorry I'm a bit late... I got... distracted..."

Lapis shrugged, coughing into his hand. "Its alright... it's not like you came 2 hours late, Peri. Besides I woke up not too long ago as well... just got out of the shower."

His hair was wet. And it made sense with the towell. "Are Jacob or George here? Or..."

"No, george is out with his brother... I think. And Jacob went to a party last night." He laughed. "He has a habit of getting wasted."

I relaxed, smiling. "Well I've see you pretty far gone as well. What was the point of trying to claim a DIVING board?"

He huffed, stepping closer and wrapping an arm around my shoulder. "And what was the point of basicly stalking me? It doesn't really matter NOW, does it?"

I blushed, but pushed him away playfully and walking over to the couch, laying my bag on it. "No point... not really. And nope. Not at all." I smiled again, leaning back and sighing.

He ruffled his hair again to dry it, then dissapeared for a sec, the towell gone. He leaned onto the back of the couch just beside me. "As much as I'd love to just talk... I think George would much rather us work."

I laughed, then let my smile fade, and I turned to him. "He doesn't know, then?"

Lapis sighed. "No. But Jacob apparently could tell I had SOMEONE. but I didn't really know how to explain it. Plus I don't want them to think it's not okay to leave us alone." He blushed, smiling and looking down.

I blushed as well, covering my mouth and trying not to laugh. "God... Okay, I think I'd rather just start animating." I sat up, pulling out my laptop and drawing tablet.

[LE GAY TIMESKIP cause I can ;)]

After a while lapis ended up on the couch singing bits of the songs while I sketched ideas. But suddenly his phone range and he set his guitar to the side as i yawned.


"Really? So..."

"Ok, cool! Just messege me when you embark, ok?"

He hung up, a smile on his face. "George just scored another recording studio meeting. He's gonna be gone for 3 days."

I smiled, rubbing my tired eyes. "That's good! Why so long though?"

Lapis huffed, looking at me. "George always insists on taking his van. No planes, trains, or buses." He glanced at the clock.

"Man... it's almost 5? Time Flies, huh?"

I nodded. "Man I'm so tired... and hungry... do you guys have anything in the kitchen?"

"Probably. Atleast stuff for sandwiches." He stood, and I followed. He opened the fridge, dragging out meat cheese, as well as ketchup, mustard, and mayo. "Hope you don't mind making your own..."

I bumped him playfully. "Not at all. But I am not using mustard." I chuckled, reaching for the mayo, some turkey, and a slice of cheese.

We both made our own sandwiches, but I slipped halfway through, dropping the far of mayo. "FU... aww... shoot." Lapis stepped back, but just laughed.

"Its alright haha. I'll just get some paper towells. It's just mayo." He pulled some off the roll, handing half of them to me. We cleaned it up together, but I still felt bad as we finished making our sandwiches and I leaned against the counter.

"Sorry... I'm the oppisite of coordinated." Lapis rolled his eyes, stepping in front of me.

"Oh please, no ones perfect. Honestly it's nothing. Don't worry about it. Jacob once spilled a whole tub of glitter in the living room. George was PISSED. and I don't even know why he had glitter, let alone that much of it." He giggled, crossing his arms.

"Sounds pretty GAY to me." He joked, laughing and leaning back against the counter. "Are you still finding glitter to this day?" He raised a eyebrow playfully, smirking at me.

I faked a serios face. "Glitter is not a joke, peri." I put my hands on either side of him, trapping him againt the counter. "It is a weopon of mass annoyance. Glitter is not allowed in this household."

He laughed more, snorting before slapping his hand over his mouth and hiding his face in my chest. I giggled as well. "Besides..." i lifted his face to look at me. "The only gay one is you, dork~"

He huffed, smiling. "Says you. Id say youre pretty gay. Atleast for me." He raised up his chin like he was making a point.

But in that moment i just looked at him, smiling. "I guess your right..." i said softly. He seemed surprised, blushing a bit. "Im just a gay fool, peri. And you have me wrapped around your finger..."

He blushed more, an i glanced at his lips. If i was honest, since our sweet kiss at his apartment door, i had craved more. And our close proximity was almost the perfect chance.

I couldnt tell, but i swore he leaned in a bit as well, our lips meeting gently at first, but getting rougher as i pressed my body more against his. As i did, i didnt expect the small whimper he gave. And before i could pull back, his hands were in my hair, keeping us in a makeout.

One second my instinct was to pull away in shock, the next i couldnt bring myself to do anything but press into him.

Oh boy...

Was gonna write more but i ran out of time and im a panicky child okay...?

Also its a good cliffhanger hehehehehe *coughs violently* hehehehe

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