Chapter 2: Demons

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The door crumbles like wet sand and all I see is Micky lying on the floor. "Micky!" I run over to her to check her pulse, she has one, but it's faint. I see a stamp wound on her stomach, I put my hands on her stomach and said "cura tibi." The healing spell works and the wounding disappears.

I jumped back when she shot up screaming "Hoc est a admonitio ut magister artium obscurorum excolant!" Which is Latin for 'This is a warning to a master of the dark arts' but Micky doesn't speak Latin. Mickey turned her head to face me but it wasn't Micky's eyes that wear looking at me, they wear pitch black. I started running to the door knowing I wasn't prepared to fight a demon, but with one motion of the demon's hand, I was flying across the room hitting my head into a wall. Then I heard the demon speak before everything went dark, but I couldn't make out the words. 

When I woke up I was surprised to find I was in a bedroom. I slowly sat up, and then stepped onto the floor. But feeling dizzy I started to sway back and forth before I fell. I shut my eyes bracing myself for the impact, but I didn't hit the floor. I opened my eyes to see how I stayed up me. I looked up surprised and I saw a man with blond hair and blue eyes.

He set me down on the bed, "Take it, easy luv," he said it in a British accent "Now, can you tell me your name?" I just stared at him with my head still pounding, I couldn't think straight,"You ok luv?" he asked me, and just as he said that the pain in my head quadrupled.

I screamed clutching my head and squeezing my eyes shut. Throw all the pain I manage to say "Help me!" I didn't know if he heard me at first, but then I heard him running around. I squeezed my eyes shut trying to think. What is causing this? Do I have a concussion or something? No, it couldn't be that. A smell? That's it, the demon must have cast a tormenter spell, makes any pain in your body become unbearable. OH NO! I have to tell that guy before my heart gives out from the pain. I muster up enough strength to say, ""

In about two minutes he came over with a cup, the contents look blueish. He handed it to me and said: "drink up luv." I held my nose and helped it all down in one shot, it tasted terrible. It took a few seconds but then head felt better. I and the man stayed silent for a good ten minutes. Then he finally asked me a question, "So, what's your name luv."

"Coraline," I said, "and you are?"

"John Constantine."

"Well John," I said, "Thanks for the save, but I gotta go." I started to get up, but

he put his hand on my shoulder stopping me.

"Take it, easy luv, you got quite a bump on the head," he said in a low voice.

"I don't have time for this, my friends in trouble, and I will be if I don't get out of Gotham soon I'm going to end up dead!"

"Alright luv, just calm down," he said still trying to keep me from getting up "I know someone that can help."

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