Chapter 7: Family

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I didn't respond, I just stared at the floor. "Ok," I mumbled. "I need to make a call, I'll be right back," I said standing up and walking into the hall.

I got out my phone and went into my contacts, stopping at the name Nora. Nora is my adoptive mother, I've known her for six years. You see Makeda wasn't just my friend she was my sister, and I was going to have to tell Nora that one of her daughters was dead. I dialed and it started to ring.

It was picked up after two rings, "hi Coraline!" and a little boy answered, August.

August is me and Mikey's little brother, he's only seven. "Hey Auggie, is Mommy home?" I questioned.

"Nope," he answered, "it's just me, Mommy's at work."

"Ok, Tuhalla home?" Tuhalla is Nora's one of other foster kids and the closest thing I have to sisters.

"Tuhalla's home," he answered, "I'll get her."

It took a minute for Tuhalla to come to the phone "Hey kid" she said. I hated being called 'Kid'. "What's up?"

"umm....I have bad news.......," I said.

"Ok I pick good news first then bad," she said with a giggle.

"It's Mikey........she umm.............she's dead," I said starting to tear up.

"what happen?" she asked starting to cry, not much made her cry but this. This did.

"It was a demon," I mumbled.

"Are you ok?" she said, starting to cry a little more.

"Yes," I said trying not to break down in tears "and I can't come back for a while, I need to get the person who did this."

"Wait," Tuhalla said "what do you mean 'person'? I thought you said it was a demon"

"It was," I said, regretting the words I chose "kinda."

"What do you mean 'kinda'." she asked, in an angry voice "did the demon kill her or not!?!"

"The demon killed her," I said my voice cracking because of how hard I was crying "but the demon was working for someone."

Tuhalla was quiet for a minute, "do you know who it is?" she asked.

"N-no," I managed to stutter out.

"Ok," she said, "call me when I get something."

Before I could respond she hung up, and I started to cry really hard. How did this happen? I thought I got her involved, I got her killed. Tuhalla didn't even care I wasn't coming home. what am I gonna do?

I kept repeating those thoughts over and over again in my mind until, I felt a tap on my shoulder, it was Jason. "You wanna talk about it," he asked.

I nodded yes, and he sat on the floor next to me. "Mikey wasn't Just my best friend," I said, "she was my sister." I buried my face in my hands, crying even harder then it hit me. I'm never going to see Mickey again, I'm never going to hear her voice again, or hear her laugh.

"Wow," Jason said, "and I thought my family was screwed up."

I cracked a week smile and said: "yeah, the only relatively normal one is my little brother August."

"How old is he?" Jason asked I could tell he was trying to take my mind off of things.

"Seven," I answered.

"When I was his age...." he started to speak but his voice died off into a whisper.

"You what?" I asked trying to see what was bothering him.

"Nothing," he said getting up.

"You can tell me," I said.

"It's not important!" he yelled walking away.

I just sat there thinking, what am I going to do? Over and over.

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