Chapter 11: Did I Know You?

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 I watched the taxi pull out of the front rushed, gate and sighed. "Coraline?" John asked, "I just realized, I don't know much about you, can ask you a few questions?"

"Yeah," I said sitting next to him "what do you want to know?"

"What's your favorite animal?" he asked, I chuckled a little at the random question.

"Red panda," I said.

"Ok," he said thinking for a minute before asking anything else, "what's your middle name?"

"Monica," I said "can I ask you something now?" he nodded yes. "Do I have grandparents?" I asked.

"Umm.... not exactly," he answered, "my mum died when I was born."

"And your dad?" I asked, and John got a slightly sad look in his eyes.

"He's not around," he said, looking down at the floor.

I wonder what happened to his dad, I thought, maybe he didn't know his dad like I didn't.

John had noticed me staring at the floor in thought and changed the subject, "So," he said, "I thought I heard a dog barking earlier, wonder what that was about."

I laughed, I didn't realize Puka made that much noise, I thought. John gave me confused look and I explained, "that was Puka, my dog."

John started to laugh too, and said, "what the little bugger looks like?" he asked, and I stood up.

"Let me show you," I said, "Aperi portal ad domum." and once again the portal to my apartment opened, and Puka jumped through tail wagging. "How is my boy?" I asked, in a high pitched voice.

I turned to tell John something but was interrupted by the sound of the big oak door opening, and Chas, Zed, and my mom's old partner Louis Barton walked in.

"Tell her what you told us, Louise," Zed said, in a voice that made me a bit nervous. Louis nodded, and handed me a folder with the name Medusa on the front, just like I remember. I opened it and began to read.

"Your mom told me to never show you what's in that folder, but I don't think she thought anything like this would never happen," he said, his voice filled with guilt. "The woman you are looking for is Medusa, and......."

I interrupted him, and with wide eyes said, "she's my grandmother."

Volume two will be coming soon.~Leanna

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