No One Understands Me...

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I hate my life. It's messed up. No one should experience the type of pain I go through every single day. My mom thinks I'm stupid and lazymy own mother. My dad sometimes gets me but he only comes over atleast once a month. I'm an only child. Life can get pretty depressing for me. I get bullied at school, not just people calling me names, they beat me and blame everything on me. They force me to do their homework, torture me, threaten me. There's a whole lot of things the kids at school do to me. But what I don't understand is... Why they do this to me and why is my life so horrible. I mean my mom ignores me almost all the time and only talks to me when she calls me names. 

But anyway, I haven't even told y'all about me. My name is Kadija Morris. I'm African American. I guess you could say that I look exactly like Keke Palmer. I'm 15 years old, my birthday is on the 21st of July. I've never had my first kiss before. We live in a decent house, in Beverly Hills. I go to North Beach High School. It's a pretty nice school but the kids that go there, suck. There's not one nice person at that school. And everyone has a little group. And they all seem to pick on me for some reason. I once told my mom that I get bullied at school and guess what she said? 

"Good, you deserve it."

I couldn't believe my ears when she said that. 

No one understands me... 

::::::::  North Beach High School, 10.30am

20th July, 2012:::::::::

I knew I was late for school and I was totally okay with that. Everyone was just going to stare at me anyway. I walked into English class and sat down at the only availlable desk, which was next to Wendy Andrews. She was one of the girls who bullied me and forced me to her homework. I don't really have a friend to stand up for me and I'm a really shy person so I just keep quiet. 

"Hey bitch. What's up?" Wendy asked me. I didn't say anything. I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone right now. 

"You're not gonna answer me? Bitch. Do you even know how hideous you look right now?" She sprayed in my face. I still didn't reply. 

"No wonder why your mom doesn't even wanna look at you. You are so ugly. Even pigs are prettier than you." She spat at me. I heard a few students laughing. The teacher - Miss Evans - turned around and faced Wendy. "Wendy, apologise to Kadija this instant!" She commanded. Wendy gave a death glare. 

"Kaidja... I'm sorry that you look like a Bulldog." She smirked. Miss Evans sighed a frustrating sigh. 

"Wendy, you have detention." She said then went back to whatever she was doing. 

::::::::Bell Rings:::::::::

Everyone dashed out of class and in a matter of seconds I was the only one in class. I picked up my school bag and walked to my locker. But Wendy and her crew were blocking it. I gulped and took a deep breath. 

"E- excuse me. Y- you're blocking my locker..." I told them quietly. They all looked at me and started laughing. Wendy moved out of the way. 

"Beasts first." She smirked. I sighed and opened my locker. I was about to get my Math stuff out until all of my book came tumbling down. Everyone in the hallway bursted out laughing and I felt like crying. My life sucks. I bent down to pick up all of my heavy books. 

"Need some help?" A deep voice asked. I looked up and saw a tall guy, who had a lot of muscles and a manly shaped face. He had the most beautiful eyes, a mohawk and... Everything you could ask for in a guy. I thanked God for creating such a handsome angel. 

"Um, hello?" He waved in my face. I snapped out of my day dream and came back to reality. 

"Sorry... " I apologised. He was about to say something until Wendy interrupted him. 

No One Understands Me...Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant