Keeping Secrets and Telling Lies

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_*Kadija's POV*_

_*On her bed, studying*_

I know there wasn't any test or exam coming up since it the summer holidays, but I didn't want to forget everything in a flash. I still wanted to be the head of my class when we get back. I heard the door creak open and a smile crept upon my face.

"Hey" I greeted at Craig. He smiled nervously and sat down next to me. I closed my science book and faced him.

"What's up?" I asked. He sighed.

"Um... I've been keeping a secret from you..." He admitted. A few tears escaped from his eyes. I've never seen him cry before.

"Don't cry Craig, I'm sure it's not that bad..." I said while rubbing his back. He wiped away his tears.

"You're gonna hate me after this... Please, promise me you won't be mad..." He whispered. I nodded my head.

"I promise." I whispered back. More and more tears were flowing down his beautiful jawline. I wonder what this secret was...

"I... I was in a gang..." He stuttered. My eyes expanded in shock and fear. I can't... I can't even believe this. Why didn't he tell me this before?! I got up from the bed and slowly backed away, with tears forming in my eyes. He stood up and grabbed my wrist.

"I said don't be mad. I'm so sorry. But I've changed." He said while his voice was cracking.

"S- so, you- you use to... Take drugs and... Murder people?" I croaked. He sighed and nodded his head. I can't be with him anymore. What if he tries to kill me during my sleep?! I yanked my wrist back and backed up until I was against the wall. I was shaking like a wet and cold Chihuahua. I can't feel safe with him anymore.

"Kadija, I love you." He whispered.

"I- I love you too but... I can't be with you anymore..." I cried. He pressed his body against mine and looked deep into my eyes.

"You don't mean that." He said in a low voice.

"I can't feel safe around you anymore! What if you try to kill me Craig!" I yelled. He put his hand up and I flinched. But he just stroked my hair.

"I would _never_ hurt you Kadija. Ever. I love you way too much. Don't you trust me?"

"I - I don't know anymore..." I whispered. He put his lips against mine and kissed me softly. He pulled back and I smiled a little.

"What... What other secrets have you been keeping from me?" I asked.

"Um... I- I uh... I have a daughter... She's um... 2..." He said while more tears ran down his face.

"Where is she?" I asked. He stepped away from me.

"I... I killed her..." That's it. I can't be here anymore.

"What?! Why the would you kill your own daughter?!?!?!" I screamed at him. I hardly swear unless I'm really mad.

"I'm sorry okay! I was drunk that day and... I'm just so sorry." He sobbed. I actually felt pity for him.

"Well, who's the mother?" I asked. He froze.

"Wendy..." He replied.

*WHOAAAA THERE!!!! Wendy is the baby momma?! Dayummm. I smell drama in the next chapter. Did Wendy and Craig know each other a long time ago? Did Craig give Wendy the 'D'??? What's Kadija gonna do?! Oh Em Gee!!! Sorry if this chapter was too short...*

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