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I am sooo sorry :'(. I just wasn't in the mood to write anything... But I sorta am now... Soo... Yeahh...

::::::::::::Kaidja's POV:::::::::::


Well life has been pretty tough for me... I've been living at Craig's place for the past 2 days. It was my only option, I didn't have anywhere else to go, it's actually a really nice place and his parents are so friendly... And yes, Craig is the sweetest guy I have ever met, but, I think he has a crush on me... I like him but not like that. I mean, he is nice and all but... I'm scared that he'll leave me for some other prettier girl. 

But anyway... School is still horrible. I made 3 new friends, CJ, Moriah and Shackeria. But that still isn't stopping Wendy... I mean, she still tortures me whenever CJ, Moriah and Shackeria aren't looking... 

My thoughts got interrupted by Wendy shoving me against lockers. 

"Listen here, bitch. I saw you the other day with Craig. You just never listen do you?" She snarled at me through her gritted teeth. I was speechless and I didn't know what to say... Then Juliett tapped her shoulder and when she turned around, Juliett slapped her. Hard. 

"Don't even dare, talk to my friend that way. If you do it one more time? You're dead." Juliett whispered in Wendy's ear. Wendy gave me a death glare then walked away.

"T- thanks..." I stuttered. Juliett smiled at me. 

"That's what friends are for right?" She laughed. I nodded my head slightly. I'm not really used to having friends... Usually, this is how my day goes:

Wake up. Go to school. Get bullied by a bunch of people. Go back home (also known as hell). 

So there's no 'Hanging out with friends' there. Sometimes, before I go to bed, I say a prayer that I could just fit in and be a normal teenager for just one day. That's all I've ever wanted. Most teenage girls want a new phone or are just dying to go watch that new movie... But me? I just want to be normal. But sadly, I'm not. I'm just the ugly, loner, looser girl who gets bullied. I know what you guys are thinking. 'Why don't you just stand up to those guys?' Well, I tried doing that once and it didn't end up well... 


~~~~~~4 Years Ago~~~~~~

"YOU KNOW WHAT WENDY?! JUST LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!!!!" I screamed in her face. She just burst out laughing at me and so did all the other kids surrounding us. People just never listen to me. It's like everything I say is some sort of joke. She got all up in my face. 

"You think you are just soooo smart now huh? Well guess what? You will always be the little bitch just sitting in the corner all by herself." She snapped at me. Then she had the nerve to punch me. Right on the lips.

~~~~~~~~Flashback Over~~~~~~~~

 Yeah I know it's not that bad but she punched me so hard! That's how I got this little bruise on my mouth. Ever since then, I just let them do whatever they want to me. 

"Hello?? Kadija are you there?" Ashanti said. 

"Oh um... Yeah..." I faintly answered. We just magically appeared in the cafeteria and I didn't even notice. 

"Uh, I'll be at Craig's place guys." I quickly said before Juliett, CJ and Ashanti could start questioning me. 

While I was walking to Craig's place I felt as if someone was following me. I just ignored it and kept on walking until someone placed their hands on my shoulders. I gasped a little and turned around. It was just Craig. I smiled slightly.

"Hey. What are you doing? Shouldn't you be in school?" Craig smirked at me. I put back some of the hair that was in my eyes, behind my ear. 

"Shouldn't you also be in school?" I questioned him. He smiled, showing his pearly whites. He has a really cute smile. 

 "I asked you first."

"I just wanted to get some peace and quiet..." I laughed. He just stared at me. 

"What? What is it?" I asked, getting a little freaked out. 

"It's nothing... I've never heard you laugh before. And your smile... It's so beautiful..." He said, like he was day dreaming about something. I blushed a little...

"Um, thanks... Um..." I honestly had no words. This was so awkward. And he was obviously lying to me. I mean, no one called my smile beautiful...

"Oh uh, it was your birthday on the 21st right?" He asked me. I nodded my head and he took my hands.

"I got you something." He told me while looking into my eyes. 

"Um okay..." I whispered. 

He reached into something in his pocket and my eyes expanded in shock. It was a diamond necklace that had my name on it in red. It was so beautiful. 

"Oh wow. How much did this cost?" I asked while staring at it. He chuckled and put it around my neck. 

"Just a couple million dollars. But it was worth it, because it's amazing, just like you." He said. I felt butterflies in my stomach and a smile instantly crept upon my face. 

I turned around and he was looking at my lips. He put his hands around my waist and pressed his soft lips against mine. I kissed him back and it felt so good. But at the same time, it felt wrong. I pulled back. 

"I- I'm sorry Craig, I know you like me and all that but... I just don't feel the same way..." Stuttered. He had a sad look on his face and I was feeling so guilty. I wanted to walk back to school and just think to myself. 

"Kadija. W- wait." He called out. I turned around. 

"I...." He began.

DUN DUN DUUUUNNN!! What do you think he's gonna say? And I'm sorry if this chapter wasn't sooo good. And ignore any mistakes hehe. And when should I write another chapter?



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