The Closest Thing to Love is Hate

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_*Roc's POV*_

CJ and I were listening to every single word Kadija and Craig were saying. Damñ. Craig had it rough. A gang? He killed his own daughter? And the mother was Wendy? I'm disappointed. He seemed so chill and down to Earth. But he was out there, taking away innocent peoples lives and slowly taking his own away...

"Oh my..." CJ gasped while facing me.

"I know right...." I said calmly before Kadija bust open the room door and ran down the stairs. CJ ran after her and I went in the room to see Craig crying his eyes out. I was starting to feel really sorry for him. I sat down next to him and patted his back.

"It's okay man..." I said in a gentle voice.

"No it's not okay! I'm always hurting the people I love the most. I'm a fuçkîng idiot." He sobbed.

"You are not an idiot. Just go talk to her. I'm sure she'll understand..." Ï said. He groaned and got up.

"She'll _never_ forgive me...." He mumbled while walking out of the room.

_*CJ's POV*_

"Kadija. Kadija stop it." I demanded. She kept on throwing tantrums and it was crazy.

"I'm gonna kill that bItch...." She mumbled as she started dropping glass cups to the floor. This wasn't even her house! I think she has anger issues...

"You can't kill him, Kadija... After all he's done for you..." I reminded her. She started laughing.

"What are you talking about? I'm not gonna kill Craig. I love him. I'm gonna kill Wendy." She shrugged.

"Wait... You still love Craig? You're not mad at him???" I asked. She sighed and sat down on the sofa.

"Well I was a little annoyed at him... But then I thought about all the things he did for me. He was there for me when no one else was... He let me live in his own home... And he got me a new pair of glasses. I really love him..." She said as a tear went down her cheek. I smiled a little. She got up.

"Now... Are you gonna help me beat up this trick?" She smirked. I put my hands up.

"I'm not into this. Ask Juliett and Ashanti" I said.

_*Craig's POV*_

I went dowstairs and I saw Kadija going outside.

"W- Where's she going?" I asked CJ.

"She's gonna go kill Wendy." She said casually. I laughed.

"Don't lie..." I chuckled.

"No I'm serious Craig. She went with a gun and everything. Dude, your girlfriend is a gansta."

"Are you serious!! Aw f*ck!!!!!!" I yelled as I ran out of the house looking for Kadija. I ran and ran and ran as fast as I could until I heard shouting nearby. I hid behind a garbage truck and saw all the drama going on.

_Wendy: Well well well... Look who finally had the guts to stand up to me!_

_Kadija: Shut up you worthless wh0re. You think you're all that but you're NOT! You are such a SL*T WENDY!_

_Wendy: Stop describing yourself sweetie._

_Ashanti: BItch, don't make you slap you again..._

_Wendy: Alright... Alright... I won't mess with you Ashanti.. But I just wanna see what those two ******* can do._

Oh my FUUUU,CK! She just called Kadija and Juliett the K word!!! Dayum!!! Kadija walked up to Wendy and raised up her fist. She looked scared and I just wanted to hug her. But she had the balls to punch to Wendy. Right in the eye. Ouch. Then Juliett kicked her in the boobies! I couldn't help but laugh a little... It was funny...

"C- Craig?" Kadija asked. I got out from behind the garbage truck and smiled nervously.

"Um... Yeah... Listen Kadija... I'm sorry..." I apologised. She jumped into my arms and started to cry.

"Craig, I would never stay mad at you. I really love you."

"I love you too." I smiled...

She got off me and punched Wendy one more time then she fell and groaned in pain. All of Wendy's followers burst out laughing at her and started calling her names.

"Now you know how I felt." Kadija whispered in Wendy's ear.

"Well, I'm gonna go now. Bye guys!!!" Ashanti said while hugging us.

"Same. Byeeee!" Juliett beamed.

_*Kadija's POV*_

_*Craig's House*_

"Baby... I need a phone..." I said to him.

"You don't have a phone?" He asked me in shock I laughed.

"No. I used to but then... My mom... You know, I don't really wanna talk about it." I smiled. He smiled back and nodded his head.

"I'll buy you a phone..." He offered. I smiled with joy.

"Yay! Thank you! Can I come with you?" I asked. He carried me bridal style and put me in the passenger seat of his car.

"I didn't know you could drive..." I said. Wow. This was a beautiful car. And it was red. I'm guessing red was his favorite color.

"Yup. I bet you love me even more now... Huh?" He smirked while starting the car. I slapped his shoulder.

"Let's just go..."

_*The Mall*_

Craig and I were walking around the mall, with our fingers interlocked. We walked into the phone store and I had no idea where to start...

"Wow. So many phones..." I said in shock. Craig laughed.

"Yep... I'm gonna look around. I'll be back okay? I love you." He smiled.

"I love you too." I said before giving him a quick peck on the lips, then we both went our separate ways.

"Excuse me miss. Do you know where the iPhone's are?" I asked a lady. She turned around and I almost fainted. It was my mom... I wanted to just run away and never come back.

"I - I- I- I'm S- s- s- sorry! I- I- I didn't know it- it w- was y- y- you!!!!" I yelled. Tears started forming in my eyes. I turned around but she grabbed hold of my wrist. I gulped.

"Kadija. Kadija look at me." She demanded in a soft voice. I turned around and I was sooo scared. I just need Craig right now. I feel so unsafe and afraid without him.

"I'm pregnant Kadija... I need you to come back home. I can't take care of this baby all by myself." She broke down into tears. I didn't know what to do.

"You shouldn't have killed dad. And I'm not coming back. I'm sorry. But just remember, the closest thing to love is hate." I said. Then I walked away.

*I'M SORRY THAT THIS WAS A BORING CHAPTERRR!! Hehe sorry. But I had nothing in my brain....Oooo and I already thought about the ending to this story.... IT'S SOOO SAD!!! But do y'all think she should go back home? OR should she just stay with Craig??*

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