Smoking is Addictive...

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☺Kadija's POV☺

So, it's official. I am now a model for Elite Model Management. They said I'll be modelling on magazines and doing some shows. I really don't want them to think that I'm their little doll they can play with. But, I'm doing it for Craig and his family. He doesn't know that I'm doing this though, he thinks I work part time at McDonalds. If he found out I was a model, I'm dead. Only his parents, CJ, Moriah and Shackeria know. 

"Now, put your hands together for, the amazing and talented, Kadija Morris!" The announcer said. That means it's my turn to walk up and down the catwalk. I get extremely scared that someone might be filming this and end up putting it on YouTube, then Craig will obviously find out (because he likes watching videos of models falling down) and if he sees me... I'm practically dead.

The outfits these people give us to wear are absolutely hideous. They are so uncomfortable and I can barely walk in these heels and this tight dress. 

My makeup, the lip gloss they applied to my lips makes me look like a clown. I really hate this outfit. 

I made my way to the waxed floor, where one can easily fall, and started walking towards the flashing lights. I reached the end and did a pose, then walked back. Thank goodness what was over. 

I went over to my dressing room, which I share with about 6 other girls, and lazily sat down on the couch. All they ever do is smoke, take drugs and have sex in the corner with some random men. It's really disgusting actually. They even want me to join them, it seems really temping, but sometimes I just have to say no. One skinny model came up to me and looked me up and down. 

"Follow me." She snapped. I hesitated to get out of my seat, but eventually followed her. We went outside the building and she handed me a cigarette. 

"Wha - what are you doing?" I asked nervously. She smirked. 

"It feels good honey. Trust me, I'm doing this for your own good. Now that you're a model, you have got to stop eating and start smoking, doing drugs and having sex. It will improve on your performance, I promise you." She said in a croaky then blew out some smoke out of her red lips.   

"Are y- you sure?" I asked her.  

"Of course! Come on! Just try it once..." she pleaded. Well, I guess trying it once won't hurt my lungs. I put the cigarette in my mouth, inhaled the smoked and instantly started to cough.  

"Whoa there. Just inhale and exhale slowly..." She told me. I did as she said and it felt really, really nice. It felt so relaxing actually. Why didn't I do this earlier? Damn.  

"It feels good huh?" She asked. I nodded and blew some smoke out of my nostrils. I could get used to this.   

◊◊Craig's POV◊◊  

"Hey mom. Do you know where Kadija is? She should be back by now..." I said to my mom. She looked worried.   

"Um... I think she's still at work sweetie. You know everybody loves McDonalds, so maybe it's just. . . full today." She said really fast.   

"Well. I'm pretty hungry, I'll go get some McDonalds, you want anything?" I asked her. She shook her head. I shrugged and drove to go see my baby. I'm glad she didn't take up that modelling offer. She could end up being extremely skinny and. . . that would be terrible. Not for her but, for me. I mean, what kind of guy would like holding a bony ass?  

"Hello, welcome to McDonalds. What would you like to order?" a fat lady asked me. I looked up at the huge menu behind her. So. Many. Choices. If only I had 4 stomachs...  

"I'll have a double quarter pounder with cheese, a double cheese burger, spicy chicken bites, 2 chocolate shakes aaaaaaaand.... Oooo, smores pie." I smiled sweetly.  She looked at me shocked.   

"Would you like fries with that?" She laughed.   


"Okay, so is there anyone else here with you?" She asked while handing me all the food.   

"Nope, just me. Is Kadija here?"   

"Who's Kadija?" She asked, with a confused look on her face. I raised a brow.  

"Kadija Morris... She works here. Right?"   

"We haven't had a new employee for about 2 years..." she said. I can't believe this. Kadija lied to me. But where else could she be? Modelling.   

I drove back home, mad and furious. I entered the house and shut the door closed, hard.   

"Craig. What's the matter?" My mom asked. I sighed in frustration.   

"Mom. Kadija lied to me. She said she works at McDonalds but she doesn't!. I mean, I love her with all my heart and, I never thought she would be like this..." I said, with tears rolling down my cheeks.   

"I'm hooooome!" A voice sang. It was Kadija. She came up to me and kissed me. Gross, she smelt like smoke.   

"Hi babe." She beamed. I waved at her.   

"Hey. Where have you been?"   

"At work, duh!" She laughed.   

"Mm okay... I went to work today and I didn't see you there..." She had tears rolling down her face, she touched my face with her soft hands.   

"Cr- Craig. I'm sorry. I- I just didn't know how to tell you." She sniffed. I hate seeing her cry. I gave her a hug and stroked her soft hair.   

"It's okay. So, where do you work at?" I asked. She stayed silent. I asked her again. She started to cry even more. I pulled back and looked at her, deep in the eyes and asked her again.   

"I- I'm a model... And... I started smoking..." Then she broke down. I ran upstairs to my room and locked the door. She's going to die soon. Once someone starts smoking, that is it. There's no going back. It becomes like a daily routine. You smoke 24/7. It gives you cancer. You end up dead on a hospital bed. It happened to one of my ex girlfriends. I don't want it to happen to Kadija. I'm not going to loose her...     

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