I Love You...

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Wooow you guys (-_-) I was planning to write this chapter tomorrow but noooo. Lol just kidding I love you guys❤❤❤ by the way, this chapter is gonna be SUPER DUPER short...

::::::::::::Craig's POV:::::::::::::

"I.... I'm sorry, Kadija." I sighed while sitting down. She sat down next to me. 

"Why are you sorry?" She asked. I put my head in my hands from frustration.

"I'm sorry I didn't come sooner..." I mumbled.

"What are you talking about Craig?" She asked me. I looked into her eyes.

"If I had known that you were living here, I promise, I would have come here sooner just to be with you." She pulled me into a hug. I heard sniffing. Was she crying?

"Craig you are the sweetest guy I have ever met. I dont know what I would do without you." She sobbed into my shoulder. I rubbed her back softly and stood up. She stood up as well. 

"Kadija, I know it's a little too soon to be saying this but... I lo-" I got cut off by CJ, Juliett and Ashanti screaming and dancing around.

"Why are y'all so happy?" Kadija asked them. They were smiling like they just won the lottery. 

"Jacob asked me out!" Ashanti screamed.

"Ray ray kissed me!" Juliett yelled while smiling wide.

"Roc is coming over today... Hope you don't mind, cousin..." CJ smiled at me. 

"I don't mind... Now as I was saying, Kadija... I lo-" I got cut off AGAIN. By Roc yelling out some random shit.

"WASSUP!?!?" He yelled. CJ just laughed that goofy laugh she does whenever she's around a cute guy. 

"Hiii Roc hehehhehe. Come inside, I'll give you a tour of the house." CJ said while smiling at him. He nodded his head and took her hand then they both walked into my house. 

"So, what's going on here? Something you wanna tell us? Kadija?" Juliett smirked at us. Me and Kadija both looked at each then took a step back. 

"Um it- it's nothing guys..." Kadija stuttered while smiling nervously. 

"Don't even lie." Ashanti laughed. 

We all heard a bunch laughing coming our way and Kadija looked as scared as fück. I held her close to me and Wendy and bunch of her followers came up to us. 

"I swear. You will find yourself in hell tomorrow morning." Wendy snapped at Kadija. Juliett looked pïssed off. 

"Listen you little piece of worthless shit! Don't EVER mess with my friend that way. If you do it one more time, I promise... You know what? Let's not even go there." She snarled at Wendy then Ashanti slapped the bitch (Wendy) so hard! You could see Ashanti's hand print on Wendys cheek. 

"Craig come ON now! You don't even like this little fuck do you? I mean look at her! She's like a gorilla but skinny." Wendy shouted in Kadijas face. I was getting extremely irritated right now. Kadija is beautiful, if you say that a dark girl is ugly is then your damn lying. 

"BITCH DIDN'T I JUST TELL YOUR ASS TO STOP THAT!?" Juliett screamed in Wendys face. Kadija was crying now and she ran off somewhere. I ran after her. 

"Kadija WAIT!" I yelled. She kept on running. She stopped running and sat down, with her head on her knees. It was raining right now and I'm sure she was feeling cold. I sat down next to her and took off my jackets then out it around her. I held her in my arms.

"I think I should just leave this earth. I don't even deserve to be on it..." She stuttered while she was crying into my chest.

"No Kadija, you do. Listen. I love you, with all my heart. You are so beautiful. Wendy is just jealous because she's not even half as pretty as you. Kadija. You are my everything. I love you so much." I said to her while a warm tear fell down my face. She looked up at me and pressed her soft lips against mine. I kissed her back of course, and it turned into us kissing passionately. 

"I love you Kadija"

"I love you too." Those words made me smile.

Goal for next chapter... Eh, I have no goal. I'll just write the next one whenever I feel like it :p

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