Chapter 2

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AN: All rights reserved to S.E. Hinton.  This is a fanfiction based off the amazing novel The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. I hope you enjoy this story! This chapter is dedicated to @WonderlandWinter . Thanks for supporting my story! And thanks to my other readers.


* Chloe's POV *

I woke up in an strange room. I started to panic. Where was I? Last nights events came crashing down on me like a wave. I sat up and stretched to see the two perfect guys I've fallen for sleeping silently.

I saw the faint glow from a clock. 3:56am. I decided that it was best to get more sleep. I laid back down to have both boys curl into me. It really helped because it was rather chilly in the room. My last thoughts lingering on the boys before sleep took me over.


At a more reasonable hour I woke up. The two boys were still asleep. I got up as quietly as I could. Before I slipped out the door I snuck a glance at the two boys who've consumed my thoughts.  The look so adorable while they are sleeping.  I thought.

I reluctantly left the room. I shut the door as quietly as possible and walked to the living room. Someone grabbed me from behind and I was about to scream when a hand covered my mouth.  "It's just me doll." a fimiliar voice said breath fanning over my neck. Soda. I immediately calmed down. He released me and I spun around.  I could tell by the heat on my cheeks that I was blushing a deep scarlet.

Soda just smirked at me. Again what is with boys and smirking? The world may never know. I headed off to the kitchen Soda tailing me. I felt his eyes burning into my soul.

When I got to the kitchen I looked for some ingredients to make my favorite breakfast. Pancakes. Soda left bored with me. I found a box mix. Thank God! I don't know how to make pancakes from scratch. 

I put in two cups of the powder mix and it says to use 1 1/2 cups of water. I used about 2 1/4 cups of milk/water to make them thinner. I pulled out the griddle. I heated it up to 325 degrees. That's when the fun began. I put in some headphones and put on my music. Don't Let Me Go by Harry Styles started playing.

Now you were standing there right in front of me

I hold on scared and harder to breathe

All of the sudden these lights are blinding me

I never noticed how bright they would be

I saw in the corner there is a photograph

No doubt in my mind it a picture of you

It lies there alone in its bed of broken glass

This bed was never made for two

I'll keep my eyes wide open

I'll keep my arms wide open

Don't let me

Don't let me

Don't let me go

Cause I'm tired of feeling alone

Don't let me

Don't let me go

Cause I'm tired of feeling alone

I promised one day that I'd bring you back a star

I caught one and it burned a hole in my hand


Seems like these days I watch you from afar

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