Chapter 7

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AN: Hey guys!  Sorry for slow updates!  I hope you are enjoying this! All rights reserved. This is a fanfiction based off the amazing novel The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. Please comment and tell people if you like this story! I am open to suggestions on who Chloe should end up with. I love all you readers!  Stay Gold.

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* Chloe's POV *

I jolted up. Where the hell am I? I was on a the Curtis house. It made sense now. Last nights events rushed into my head. I got to get out. I mean nothing to them. They won't even notice.

I stood up from the couch and silently went to Ponyboy's room to get my bag of stuff. I opened the door as quiet as possible. I slipped through the door with my back turned. I slowly worked my way to my tiny duffel. I bent over to stuff the overflowing clothes back in.

I felt someone tap me. I jumped and I was about to yelp when a hand covered my mouth. The person pulled me to their chest. I heard Pony's voice in my ear. "Chloe what are you doing packing your stuff?". I started mumbling in his hand. He realized and removed his hand.

"I need more clothes. So I'm going to my house to get some." I lied. See that's the thing. You convince people you are a bad liar when in reality you are a magnificent liar. It works wonders, people never assume you are lying.

He shrugged and smiled. "Okay." He said and walked out to probably the bathroom. I sighed in relief. I zipped the bag and walked out. I kissed Two-bit on his forehead.  I'm going to miss him. It's for the best. I remind myself. I sighed and went in the kitchen to quickly eat some chocolate cake. I'm gonna miss this cake....and the gang. A certain boy stayed in my head a bit longer. Johnny. Then pictures of Ponyboy went through my head.

I practically ran out the door. I shut it quietly though because I heard someone coming. I felt a tear roll down my cheek, but this time I just left it. I walked down the street and turned a few times until I finally reached my home. I walked in to see my mom passed out on the couch. I'm going to miss her too.

I silently went to my room. I looked around.  Golly, I barely stayed here two nights and now I'm leaving. I saddened at the thought. I grabbed a backpack and stuffed my clothes in there, I grabbed all my money, I had a lot more room so I got my favorite books. When I put in the last book I looked at the cover. To Kill a Mockingbird. I sighed, but it sounded more like a sob. Johnny loves this book. I felt another tear. I got a piece of paper and wrote:

Dear readers,

By the time you read this I will me gone...

Sorry I ever came into your lives. I know you are relieved to read this. I hope you all have amazing lives. Although none of you care, I love all of you and this is breaking my heart to do this. This is probably the last you will hear from me. I'm sorry I am such a burden.

Two-bit: Well Keith. I know you hate me and wish I was never born, but I love you and I will miss you. I'm sorry you have to waste your time reading this. I'm going to miss you Two-bitch.

Mom: Sorry I was born...I know I'm just a walking mistake. I'm sorry for ruining your life. I will miss you. I know I just moved in, but I love you and I will miss you. I know you will be happy.

Darry: Thanks for letting me stay at your house. I wish I never came into your lives. It's not that I wish I nevrr met you it's just...I wish you never met ME. You are better off without me. By the way,  I love your chocolate cake...I will miss you, Dare-bear.

Soda: Thanks for being nice to me even though I'm a menace. Keep smiling and always makes me happy. I will miss you Pepsi-Cola.

Steve: Thanks for...well just being you. Keep working on's you gift. Oh and I stole some of the chocolate cake...Imma miss ya Stevie.

Dally: Even though all I do is annoy people...thanks for letting me hang out with you. I'm sorry I didn't leave sooner. I'm going to miss you though Dal.

Ponyboy: Thanks for allowing my fatass to sleep on your bed. Sorry for being a tag along. Keep watching sunsets, they are pure, like you. Don't toughen up. You are perfect just the cuddly person you are. Oh and sorry, but I took one of your shirts...they are really comfy and smell like you and the Curtis house. I'm just so sorry I ever cane and ruined your lives. I hope you have an amazing life and that you have a million kids. I'm going to miss you Pony.

Johnny: Oh what to say? Thanks for always being there for me and for holding me while I cried. I know you are probably fed up with me, but I'm going to miss you. Remember: Never kill a mockingbird they never do anything to hurt you...all they do is sing their hearts out to you. Oh and I stole a pair of sweatpants from you. I couldn't help it the are just so comfy and well the smell like you. I hope you live a magnificent life and fall in love and just be happy. I will always miss you Johnnycake.

Well you can throw the party now. I will always love you guys and miss you. I'm sorry for ruining your lives. I really wish I didn't have to go. Even though I know you won't, but please don't call the fuzz. I will miss you all. I'm just so sorry.  I know you all will be happy once I'm gone so this is worth it to me. I will never forget any of you.

Love You Always,

Chloe Kaitlyn Mathews.

I grabbed the bag and note and went to the kitchen and grabbed a big bottle and filled it with water. I went through the cupboards and grabbed some food. I clutched the note. It had a few tear stains on it, but it's not like it will matter. They will all be so happy. That's all I want. I walked over to the table by the door and put the note on the clutter-free table.

I swung my bags over my shoulder and walked through the door. I looked behind me and sighed and closed the door. Well this is it. I kept my head down as I walked down the street. I had a feeling someone was following me.

I turned the corner and stopped. I was waiting for the person to round the corner and boy was I shocked. He was following me. He looked shocked when he saw that I was waiting for him. "What are you following me for?" I questioned him while looking deep into his eyes. Uh oh what if he stops me? I got nervous. I have to leave...

AN: Hey guys!  Sorry for slow updates! How do you like it? Who do you think was following her? Please Please comment and tell people about my story!  I love all you readers. I really hope you like this story. I'm working really hard on it so please give me feed back. I love you greasers! Stay Gold.


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