Chapter 8

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AN: Hey guys! So I just read That was then, This is now by S.E. Hinton and I think it literally changed my life. It really makes you think, ya dig?  Anyways sorry for slow updates. All rights reserved. This is a fanfiction based off the amazing novel The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. I love you guys.  Please comment and tell me who you want her with. Stay Gold.

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* Chloe's POV *

Dally was following me. He looked shocked when he saw me waiting. Then he looked angry. "What the hell, Chloe? Why did you pack your bags?" His voice contained anger and....caring? No can't be.

I finally found my voice and replied "What do you think Dal?" I feel bad it sounded so mean. I was about to say something when Pony and Johnny ran around the corner with my note in Johnny's hand. The were running so fast that Pony ran into Dally and Johnny ran into me causing us to fall.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * Johnny's POV *

Pony, Dally, and I knew something was up so we decided to go find her. We walked by her house and I saw her go in. We waited until she left. She had bags with her. Dally said he was going to follow her. Me and Pone were going to check the house for clues as to where she is going.

When we walked in I immediately saw a note. I grabbed it. I started reading it and my heart broke.  I had a few tears slip down my cheek. I handed it to Pony. He had tears in his eyes. I can't fall in love. I'm already in love...with Chloe. How can I love another person?  Her words were like knives in my heart. She completes me and her thinking we don't broke me. I had tears streaming down my face. I looked at Ponyboy.  He looked hurt.

I ran in the direction Dally went. We turned the corner and Ponyboy ran into Dal, but I ran into my love. We were falling to the pavement so I quickly turned us so I would hit and she would land safely on me. The pavement hurt like hell, but seeing her made me feel better. I hugged her despite our awkward position. She didn't get a chance to leave!

I sat up, but didn't let go. I will never let go as long as I'm breathing. I made a promise to myself and I will never break it. As long as I am alive I will always be there for her. Chloe tried to get up, but fell right back into my arms wincing in pain.

"Chloe are you okay?!" I said worry evident in my voice. "This happens a lot. I don't know how, but I messed up my knee and sometimes it hurts to bend my knee. But it's only my left knee..." (AN: lol that really happens to me so I thought I would include that in the story. )

"Do you have a brace or something?" I asked quietly.  "Um yeah I do. Can someone help me to my room?" She said, but it sounded more like a plead. I was about to pick her up and carry her, but Ponyboy beat me to it. I was a bit sad as I stood and walked behind Pony carrying the girl I love. Dally was carrying her bags.

We walked into her house and quietly made our way to her room because her mom was asleep. When we made it to Chloe's room she asked to be set down. She hobbled over to her dresser and pulled out a black brace with a hole where your kneecap goes. She slipped it on and sighed. "Now I can't bend my knee. I can't run now." Chloe said in a sad voice that ripped at my heart apart.

I'm not gonna let her out of my sight. I picked Chloe up bridal style and motioned for them to follow. Chloe clung to me. I was in heaven. I carried her down the street with Dally and Pone at my heels. Chloe was nervously looking around.  What's going on with her?

* Chloe's POV *

Johnny was carrying me. I wish I could enjoy the moment, but I was busy making sure that girl didn't keep her word. We reached the Curtis house. No sign of her or any socs to be exact.

We walked in and Johnny carried me to the couch. He gently laid me on the worn out couch. Two-bit was there. "Hey little sis!" he said loudly.  I gave him a smile and leaned on my crazy brother.

My mind was racing. Thoughts of the girl and her threat. Thoughts of the gang not really wanting me. Thoughts of the gang getting hurt because of me. How could I be so selfish?  I can't stay here and let them get hurt. How can I get away now?

An idea hit me like a car. I can go to the movies with them and leave. They will be focused on the movie they won't even notice! I walked up to Johnny and I put my hand on his arm. He gulped.  I wonder why?  Maybe he didn't want an ugly girl touching him.

"Hey Johnny. You guys up to going to the movies again today?" I asked with a smile.  it took Johnny a minute to respond.  "I-I-If you wan-n-nt to Chloe." He stuttered and blushed. I smirked. We watched Mickey until darkness came. Me, Pony, Dally, and Johnny went to the drive in. We sat in the same seats as last time.

Two girls sat in front of us. Oh shit. It was the girl. The one with that fiery red hair. I could never get that red hair out of my head. She turned around and smirked at me. I shrunk back in my seat. I started to internally panic.

Pony seemed excited to see her. "Hey Cherry!" Cherry so that's her name. Cherry turned around and said "Pony! Why don't you come sit up here?" She smiled and glanced at me. Pony didn't say another word. He just got up and sat next to that snake. Not a thought about the people he was hanging out with.

Johnny looked upset that Pony (his best friend) would just leave us without a second thought. Dally just rolled his eyes. The movie started and Dally got bored and left to one of Buck's parties.

I asked if anyone wants anything. They said no. I practically ran to the concession stand. Only one word on my mind. Escape.

AN: sorry it took so long I've been really busy.  Updates are going to take longer to publish. I'm also starting a new sorry. It's basically my life story. What I'm going through and stuff so please read!

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