Chapter 3

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AN : All rights reserved. This is a fanfiction based off the amazing novel The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton.  Please read and comment what you think. Hope you enjoy!!!!


* Chloe's POV *

I was in between Johnny's legs and I could just melt into him. He was trying to show me what to do, but I kept getting distracted by him.

I mean who wouldn't when a hot guy has his arms around you and kept whispering in your ear? Every time he would lean closer and pull me into him to whisper what he was doing.

He was saying something and I was in a daze. I was about to turn around to ask what he was saying, but at the same time he was leaning in to explain something and my lips were pressed to his cheek. We both got so red that we looked like two cherries.

I started nervously laughing.  I got up giving an excuse like I need to go to the bathroom or something.

I reached thw bathroom and shut the door. I JUST HALF KISSED JOHNNY! He is probably disgusted that I touched him. I mean why would he pick me? I'm just his friend's little sister. Ugly sister might I add.

The boys are probably making fun of him. I gotta go back out there. I sighed looking in the mirror one last time. Disappointed to see the same horrid face.

When I got out there the boys were in an argument. What about?  I wouldn't know...

As soon as they saw me they stopped talking. They just glared at each other. There was an unspoken conversation between Johnny and Ponyboy.

I awkwardly walked over to where Johnny was and he gently pulled me down to sit in between his legs. The boys glared at him. Wow I thought they were closer than that.

They continued where they left off of the game. I think Johnny had a good hand. Then again I haven't paid much attention.

I looked at Pony and I couldn't help, but feel guilty because I like him too. It's not like Pony and/or Johnny like me so I shouldn't but I do.

Apparently Dally folded...? I don't know what that is. So Johnny (me) and Ponyboy were left.

There were a bunch of cancer sticks that they were trying to win. Johnny put down his cards. Pony put down his too. I have no clue who won until Johnny threw his hands up in victory.

Johnny hugged me close. I wanted to stay like that forever.  The moment ended to soon.

We all stood up. I was going to change so I made my way to Ponyboy's room. I took off the shirt and folded it and laid it on his bed. The door opened. I grabbed my shirt to cover my bra. It was Ponyboy.

He looked at me stunned. His eyes wandering over my torso. The door opened again.  Johnny was standing there shocked. My cheeks were burning like the flames of hell.

Pony was the first to move. He ran out the door. Johnny on the other hand stood there stunned. His eyes were moving all over my body. He came to his senses and turned around not knowing what to do. I pulled my shirt on and told Johnny to turn around and when he did he was blushing really hard.

He looked at the ground.  "You shouldn't be embarrassed.  It's not like I saw you in your underwear." I aaid a laugh trailing behind my remark. He joined in on my laughter. I loved his laugh. It just made me happy.

Johnny and I finally stopped laughing. I asked him to turn around so I could change my pants.  He listened. I told him to look. He tuened around and I handed him the sweats. He took them and put it on the bed. I left the room so he could change.

We a were dressed and ready to meet the gang at the Dingo. Ponyboy kept looking at me and blushing. Johnny and I were talking about random things.

Pony ended up in the conversation. It was fun. We finally got there after messing around for a long time. We watched the sun slip down the horizon into non existence. We walked into the Dingo and walked over to where the gang was.

I sat between Johnny and Ponyboy. We all ordered basically the same thing. Cheeseburgers and Fries with cokes. Well since I don't like soda I got water. We were having fun eating and laughing. Two-bit was drunk off his butt. The waitress was around 16, 17ish. She was beautiful. She kept glaring at me. Is it something I said?

The waitress came over with my water. Only she didn't give it to me she spilled it on me. She devilishly smirked at me and said 'oops'. Dally looked mad. Pony looked confused. Soda looked mad. Steve looked confused. Two-bit was in a drunken state so he didn't know anything. Darry left eary. Johnny looked furious....

Two-bit's hot sister (Ponyboy and Johnny love story)Where stories live. Discover now