Chapter 12

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An: Hey guys! I hope you like my story so far! I'm trying to have more frequent updates, but it's hard. Thank you so much for all the veiws! You guys are so amazing
I love reading your comments and messages. You guys are the best. SORRY FOR ALL THE GRAMMAR MISTAKES!!! I DONT HAVE TIME TO EDIT AS OF THE MOMENT. PICTURE OF CHLOE ^^^^
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* Johnny's POV *

She has been gone for a  day or so now. I miss her like crazy. I wish she didn't leave. She could've stayed..... She could've stayed with me.

Man, I need to go for a walk. I grabbed my switch and wallet. I sat up from the couch and walked out of the Curtis house. I opened the gate thing and I was off.

It was a decent day. It was pretty cloudy. I didn't have a destination specifically. I just walked. I kept walking until I passed  by a news stand and saw the headline:


Suspect has short brown hair and blue eyes. Around 5'2 and about 15 years old. If found please contact us....

Under the headline there was a picture of.....CHLOE!

Holy hell! Is that why she left? Wait it's  Chloe we are talking about here. She wouldn't hurt a fly. I know she wouldn't hurt anyone not even  soc scum. Seeing her picture made my heart ache.

How could I let her get away?

I immediately bought a newspaper. I had to show the gang. I knew almost everyone was at the DX so I ran as fast as I could while clutching the paper.

When I finally got there I was out of breath. The were all by the gas pumps. They were trying to act normal, but they all looked uneasy. No one has been the same. They all are trying to get back to the way they were before Chloe came. But how can you forget a girl like her?

I quickly took the last few steps until I reached them. Since I was huffing and puffing I just shoved the paper towards them. They all crowded around it. Their faces were priceless. If it weren't such a serious moment I would have laughed. After the shock wore off they all had their reactions.

"I never knew she had it in her." Dallas smirked pride radiating off of him. Gosh how is he proud of that? Besides it's not like she even did it....

"I can't believe she did that" Soda said with Steve nodding.
"It's not like she actually did it." Me and Two commented. They were too busy talking junk to hear. Even Pony looked all disappointed in her.

If they are too blind to see that they are talking about sweet Chloe, then they are too far gone. I don't know how they would even for a second think it was her. Are they that stupid. I mean it's Chloe for crying out loud!

I stormed off because they were making me mad. I just kept walking. I didn't know where I was going. I just needed a breather. As I was walking all I could think about was Chloe.

Was she safe?
Where is she?
Who is she with?
Does she know?
Does she have food?
Will I ever see her again?
How is she?
Is she happy?
Is she scared?
Is she even alive?

The last thought startled me. I can't think like that. The thought of her no longer breathing scared me more than socs or getting beat on.

Maybe I should go look for her. Maybe the gang can help....If they stop accusing her of murder of course. Man, how can they even suspect her. That paper means nothing. They don't know Chloe. Of they knew her the would realize how crazy they are.

I kept walking. I was still pretty mad. I wanted to scream. I wanted someone to talk to. I wanted Chloe....

But as I was walking I felt someone tailing me. Oh no. I tried to walk faster. I was internally panicking. What the hell? Who is following me?

I snuck a glance and saw......

AN: CLIFFHANGER! So how do y'all like it? Sorry I have been MIA some sh*t (excuse my language) at school went down. It was crazy. I'll try to update more I promise! I love you guys so much. THANK YOU FOR ALL THE VEIWS! Sorry for my spelling and such. Also I would like to apologize for it being incredibly short. WELL PLEASE COMMENT AND TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT TO HAPPEN!!!

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