Chapter 4 (More like Chapter 3 part two)

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AN: Well since I already posted my other chapter but I lost most of it I'm just gonna write what was lost here. It may be short, but I'm doing the best I can. I love you guys.  Thank you for trying to help recover my story. Well it left off where the waitress poured water on Chloe and the boys were mad. So I have a lot to cover in this. Love all you readers Stay gold!


* Chloe's POV *

The cold liquid washed over me like a wave. I sat in shock at the recent events. I think a piece of ice went down my shirt. It was so cold. I was lightly shaking. Johnny took off his jacket and wrapped it around me. He wrapped his arms around me and rubbed my arms in attempt to warm me up.

Soda ran up and asked for the manger. When the old and grumpy manager came over we explained what happened. The manager looked angry that his employee would do such a thing. The manager ran off to do something.

They boys tried to help dry me up. Didn't work so well. We decided to go to the Curtis house.  I needed to grab some stuff from my house so I could stay the night again. Dally and Johnny offered to walk me to my house.

The boys left. Johnny and Dally kept close to me. We walked down a dark street only light source was a street lamp.

When I looked up I could see millions of dazzling stars. The lights on the dark sky reminded me of Johnny's eyes. Dark unless you sparked his interest. Then they would light up like the night sky. Oh Johnny. Just thinking of him gave me chills. His smile. His eyes. His arms when they wrapped around me. His laugh. Just everything that was him.

A pang of guilt ripped through me. An image of Ponyboy popped up in my head. His laugh. His smile. His eyes. Everything that was him.

Dally's voice yanked me back to reality. "So Chloe tell me about yourself. What are your likes and dislikes?" I was a bit shocked that Dallas Winston just asked me what I'm into. My quiet voice replied "Well I like reading, writing, poetry, sunsets, rainy days, the little things about people, movies, music, and the gang. I don't like soda(the drink not Sodapop Curtis.), when people lie, socs, people talking with a bunch of food in their mouths, bullies, my dad, spiders, when people spread rumors about me at school, and public speaking."

When I finished my spiel we had finally reached the door to my house. It was unlocked so we walked right in. I showed them to my room. They sat on my bed while I grabbed things I needed such as deodorant, toothbrush and toothpaste, clothes, and I grabbed one of my favorite books. Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell.

When I walked back into my room after getting my toothbrush and toothpaste the boys were on my bed talking so low I couldn't hear. They stopped when they saw me. Johnny smiled at me and took my bag from me. How sweet.

We were about to walk out of my house when I realized that I still have Johnny's jacket on. "Oh Johnny do you want your jacket back? It was mighty nice of ya to let me wear it." He looked me in the eyes. He said never breaking eye contact "Naw you wear it. It looks really good on you." he gave me one of those rare smiles at the end of the sentence.  I could've melted right then.

As we were walking I noticed the boys still kept close. My shirt was only a little damp now, but I was still cold. The boys must've noticed because they came closer.

We were walking up to the Curtis house.  When we walked in I saw that they were sitting in a circle. We must've looked confused because Steve quickly explained that we were gonna play strip poker. Dally shrugged and sat down. Me and Johnny on the other hand stood there. We decided to go sit down. I was between Johnny and Soda.

-A few minutes in the game-

Steve was already just in his underwear. Soda was pant less. Pony didn't have on a shirt. Dally was in only his boxers. Two-bit was passed out drunk. Johnny was shirtless. Let's just say I had a good veiw.

I had to take off my socks, jacket, and shirt already. Luckily I put on a cami earlier. To be honest the boys looked disappointed that I had on the cami.

Sadly, I suck at poker so my cami isn't too far from heading into the growing pile of clothes. Pony had to remove another article of clothing. So off his pants went. He was blushing hard core.

-A few more minutes in to the game-

I now have take off my cami. I slowly pulled it over my head. I noticed I was wearing my black bra. I felt so uncomfortable having all the boys hungrily taking in the sight of me.

Johnny looked at me only for a moment before knowing how uncomfortable I was. He then pulled me behind him. " Stop lookin' at Chloe like that." Johnny said with authority in his voice. I was so grateful. I hugged him from behind burying my face in his back. I realized he was shirtless and reluctantly pulled away from the boy who has stolen half my heart.

The guys tried to keep their eyes off my body but the seemed to be struggling. We decided to end it a few minutes later not wanting anyone to be naked. That would make things awkward.

I was tired so I went to Ponyboy's room and changed into gray short-shorts and a navy blue sweatshirt. When I finished changing I heard a light knock on the door.  "Come in" I said loud enough for the knocker to hear. The door opened to reveal Johnny. "Hey! You knocked this time!" I said laughing. He smiled and slowly took off his shirt.

He has nice abs. I turned around blushing. He walked up to me and turned me around. I looked at him to see he was now in sweatpants, but still didn't have on a shirt. Nice veiw. He was wearing the sweats I wore on my first day here. That made my heart flutter.

He pulled me to the bed and laid down pulling me with him. He pulled me to his toned chest. He crashed his lips onto mine. We moved in sync. We were perfect. His hands were playing with my hair. My hands were on his chest. He pulled away only to breathe and then he was right back. He was kissing me with so much passion. He-

Johnny was waving his hand in front of my face. The kiss. It was a day dream. Johnny wasn't kissing me he was in fact standing in front of me in the same sweatpants and no shirt on. He would never do that anyways...

"Come on. Lets get some sleep." Johnny said walking over to the bed. I followed. I climbed in and Johnny followed suit. I curled into him. He let out a light laugh and wrapped an arm around me. Well needed rest took over and I drifted into unconsciousness.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I woke up with tears streaming down my face like a waterfall. I was in someone's lap. He was rocking me back and forth and whispering sweet things in my ear. He must've noticed I was up because he murmured in my hair "Go to sleep Chloe. You're safe. I'm here. I will always be here for you..." He trailed off at the end. My last thought before I drifted into a dream less sleep was He smells nice...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I woke up at a decent time. I stood up and walked out to the living room. I started cleaning up. It was such a mess. Two-bit woke up with a massive headache. He had a hangover. I got him some medicine. He fell asleep again. I continued cleaning the messy house of 7 boys.

I was making a bowl of cereal when someone came up behind me. I jumped startled. Johnny chuckled "Good morning, Chloe."

"Well good morning to you too Johnnycake." He continued laughing and got some chocolate cake.

We ate and talked. It was nice. He pulled me from my thoughts by nervously asking "Hey Chloe. Do want to go to the nightly double? They are playing Gone With the Wind..."

I smiled brightly and said "Of course Johnny." I seemed okay on the outside, but on the inside I was flippin out. Was this a date? Was the gang going? Is it just a friend thing? Oh Lord this boy will be the death of me...


AN: So how was it?  I know the other chapter was really short, but that was due to complications. I hope you guys like this. Who do you think should've been the one comforting Chloe? Should the rest of the gang go to the movies? Comment what you think. Thank you all my loyal readers. I love you guys so so much. Night greasers


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