Chapter 5

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-Serena POV-

The rest of the week was uneventful. There were a few youma attacks,but nothing we can't handle. Now it is Saturday and the scouts and I are standing on a small stage in the middle of the mall. A lot of people are standing in front of the stage, cheering our names.

"I can't believe we have to stand up here in heels all day!" Venus wines.

"Oh will you stop complaining Venus! If you haven't noticed all of us are wearing heels and you don't hear us complaining!" Mars sneers.

"Okay guys! Will you stop fighting! We don't need all these people seeing us fight, okay?!" Mercury scolds.

"Yes ma'am..." Mars and Venus mutter.

"We need to remember to ask Luna and Artemis why we have to wear heels and miniskirts as our uniform! All the guys here are staring at us and it's really creeping me out!" Jupiter says

Basically, we have been standing up here for about half an hour. The people in charge wanted us here at 11:15 to get prepared and whatnot. It really is getting tiring just standing up here. They have not started the pictures and autographs yet because they want to wait until noon to start.

"Hey, can we get some chairs up here please?" I ask sweetly to a worker that is helping set up.

He stares at me and nods, then runs off.

"Good thinking Moon, I really am getting tired of standing in these heels!" Mercury says.

The dude comes back with the chairs and we sit down.

"What do we do now?" Jupiter says, obviously bored.

Just then ,the music comes on. Ironically, it is my and the scouts favorite song.

"Oh holy mother of love..." Venus gasps.

"You know what this means girls.." Mercury says with a smirk.

We bust out singing! It is one of the moments where we feel like normal girls and we have no worries, where we can be carefree. But we forgot one thing. There are about 100 people standing in front of us, hearing us sing! I start to blush but I don't want to stop singing because I'll ruin the moment.

'Aww, what the heck! It's not like they know who I really am anyways!' The girls and I keep singing and soon enough the crowd joined us and we all started dancing!

'I don't care, I love it! I don't care, I love it! I love it! You're on a different road, I'm in the Milky Way , you want me down on earth, but I am up in space! Your so damn hard to please, we gotta kill the switch, your from the 70's, but I'm a 90's chick! I love it!'


-Darien's POV-

"How could you sleep right through your alarm!"

Nick is currently yelling at Jed for oversleeping and making us late to get to the mall.

"I bet the parking lot is packed now! What time did you go to sleep last night Jed?"

"At four a.m..." Jed mumbled.

"And why did you go to sleep at four a.m.? You were the one who suggested we wake up earlier to get there before the parking lot got full!"

"Well, last night, around one in the morning, the power in my house went out and it was raining outside and I was scared because I really hate being in the dark! I thought someone broke into my house to kill me and shut off the power to make it easier!" Jed cried. Nick and Jed keep arguing while the rest of us ignore them.

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